1🖤 [Brothers?]

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The only thing I felt was pain in my whole body. I limped over to my small bedroom, my only safe place in this whole house.

I walked over to the bathroom and lifted my tshirt looking at all the bruises lingered all over my stomach. I gulped trying to poke my ribs but when I did, I get that it was a bad decision.

It's definitely broken. I looked at the girl looking directly into me from the mirror. Her light blue eyes were so dull and lifeless that it makes me shudder. Her once long hairs were now comes only upto her shoulders.

I cringed looking at her. So I quickly pulled out my painkillers from the drawers and gulped it without water. I am habitual to that.

So This is my daily routine from past 5-6 years. Daily beatings from Sir, bruises all over my body, and at last cursing my life.

"You Little Slut! Where Are You?" I flinched again from the voice I heard downstairs.

I immediately ran towards the room door running downstairs. Because The last thing I want him to come to my room again. Trust Me whenever He comes to mY room, it's worse for me.

"Y-Yes S-Sir" I bowed down. He never likes when I do eye contact with him. And I learned that thing hard way.

The next thing I knew was getting kicked in my lower abdomen making me fall down. Fresh tears escaped my eye as I bit my lip trying hard not to scream from the intense pain.

"Where Is My Dinner?" He scowled, his dirty breath fanning my face.

But we don't have any food left.

"I-I forgot" I lied because he loves it when I actually deserve punishment. Maybe he will lessen my punishment today.

"Tsk.tsk.You Whore! Punishment time, Isn't it?"

I sat down on my knees looking down getting ready for whatever he wanted to do and get over with it.

Maybe I can die from this one!

He removed his belt and I knew what is coming next.

I closed my eyes tightly waiting for pain to come but it never comes.

I opened my tear filled eyes just to see him giving me that dirty smirk which I knew never ends good.

He pulled out something from his pocket and I looked at it curiosly, it wasn't knife but It was something like that.

No! No! That's Dagger!Not Again!

I crawled backwards sobbing hard. It hurts bad.

"Pl-please S-Sir N-not th-that" I cried hard to which be just chuckle.

"Tsk.tsk.Now Remove Your Shirt" He spat angrily at me making ne flinch back in terror.

I shaked my head in no again and again. My old wounds have stopped healing, I can't prefer to get new ones.

The next thing I know was he kicked me hard in my stomach and knelt down to my level cutting my shirt, leaving me all vulnerable just in my bra.

He licked his lips and turned me over on my stomach on the cold floor. I thrash around in his hold but this bastard is too huge for me.

The next thing I knew was I let out a scream as he started carving on my back. What he will be carving now? He had already done everything to me. Didn't he get tired?

I never knew when I blacked out in the drawing room on the cold floor tile.


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