Ch-53🖤[Make it right]

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Andrew's P.O.V

I grabbed the overly excited girl and made her sit on the couch, "Listen me, Lily" I spoke sternly which grab her attention.

"See I have some shit to complete, so you will be staying here till then, okay?"

She looked confused as her eyes narrowed," Why do I have to be here alone?"

I smirked, "Because my men at home can't be trusted around you, and trust me you are safe here more then at my mansion"

I am right.
My men still are confused as to why the Italian's sister is roaming around free in the mansion. And trust me she is too freaking out of this world to notice how they look at her.

I must admit some of my guards really start adoring her. But most of them still gave those dirty looks. And I'm not taking any chances knowing it can take too long for me to come back today.

"So no roaming outside. Just stay inside okay? No one can come inside except me.. And I am trusting you so I won't be locking the door"

I still think I should lock the door.

"Fine! I won't go anywhere.. I have to explore such a beautiful place" She smiled cheekily looking around.

I chuckled looking at her. I almost lost my control today. When I saw her in the room, her red cheeks.. It took everything in me not to look down from her face when she was covered in just a towel.

I noticed how her hold tightened on her towel. But I can't help but kiss those rosy cheeks. Why do i fucking feel like a stupid teenager who got to see her crush after a long time.

I shake my head before I stood up but stopped for a second, "lily?"


I pulled out a spare gun from my waist giving it to her, "Just for safety, don't use it on me though.." Her those blue doe eyes looked at me shocked. She blinked at me then looked at the gun.

"You really started trusting me, aren't you?" She wiggled her brows and it took qlmost everything in me not to kiss those cheeks again.

I rolled my eyes before going out, "Umm Andrew.. B-Be safe... I mean dont get hurt" She spoke timidly.

I nodded stiffly as I closed the door behind me.

Did my heart just beat faster? A little grin planted on my face as I bit my lip.. My guards gonna think I'm going insane.

Or I am really going insane, I guess..

Because the thing I'm going to do today has shocked everyone.

Me too..


"Boss its ready" The man said getting out from my way. I nodded clenching my jaw.

Am I really gonna do this. My men are shocked. My partners are shocked..

Especially I am shocked!!!!

I took a deep breath and raise my hand to the guards beside the door..

Our brothel..

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