Ch-36🖤[Eat me out]

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And I know I fucked up badly when Matteo threw away his cigaratte and started walking towards us on a dance floor. His eyes were too dark, almost black and the anger gazing in those.

RIP Rony. I'm truly sorry to drag you into this.

He walked towards me before pulling my arm harshly away from Rony and I bumped into his chest.

"What the fuck Man? Give me the girl" Rony spoke looking at Matteo.

"OUT" Matteo spoke and I almost pissed myself at his voice.

"Not without her" Rony said.
Matteo pulled the gun out from his waistband aiming it directly at Rony's head.

"R-Rony you should go. I know him" I tried to interfere which only earned me a glare from Matteo.

"Who even are you?" He asked Matteo glaring at him.

Not to brag, but Matteo is more large and bulky then Rony.

"Her boyfriend, so Out now little boy before I empty my bullets in your head" Matteo smirked like a psychopath making Rony walk away awkwardly.

𝘕𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦!

I tried to slip out from Matty's hold to leave but it only tightens his hold.

"And you my little 𝘯𝘦𝘯̃𝘢, we have to talk, hmm?" He whispered in my ear and I swallow the lump in my throat.

He dragged me to the back side of the club and we reached a room which looks more like a whole flat.

"Umm.. Matty.. I think I'm drunk. Why don't you let me go, hmm?" I tried to bargain.

I am drunk but not enough to lost my senses.

He chuckled darkly removing his tie and folding the sleeves of his shirt, " the fun in that hmm? You wanna tease me right?" He bend down a little so he was looking directly in my eyes, I shake my head in no slowly.

"Tsk.Liar.. I hate liars babygirl" He said before he stepped more forward making me step backwards until my ankle hit the bed and I felt myself fall flat on my back on the bed.

Fuck me.


My eyes widen. Did I just say it out loud.

"Yeah you did" His eyes shinning with a little amusement and maybe lust?

His eyes raking my body like a predator to his prey and I squirmed uncomfortably making his eyes snap to mine.

"You know how easy to tear this shit you're wearing right now?" His calloused hand reached my knee rubbing it softly and my breath hitched a little.

His other one gripped my throat making me look at him directly. The fuck am getting wet for!

"Y'know how hard you made me, right? My eyes widen in shock at him and it's fucking turning me on. I looked at him anticipating his next move.

I tried to push him as the heat rushed to my cheeks. He hovered over me spreading my legs, resting his knee in between.

And I am sure my silky black panties must be visible by the way his jaw clenched when he looked down.

The way he is looking at me made me feel weird down and I'm not even naked, maybe lil bit.

"M-Matteo" My voice turning out more whiny then I intended.

His brows raised smirking at me. He bend forward as his fingers tugged the strap of my dress looking at me for permission.

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