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Brian's P.O.V

I looked at my sister shaking and flinching when everyone was shouting at her and noone noticed her.

How much I wanted to stop them, but I am also disappointed with her. And the moment Luca spoke so lowly of her sister. It really broke my heart. Just as I was about to shout to him, I looked at Lily as started breathing heavily.

Beating me Alex ran towards her trying to calm her down. No matter how much he acts cold, only I know how soft hearted and lovely he is. But he never showed his emotions to anyone except me since we are almost same age.

And then the hell broke loose. I immediately ran towards her bumping into Luca's shoulder harshly.

That fucker deserves this.

"Alex calm her down. Make her feel your heartbeat" I told Alex and he did the same.

"I-Inhaler" We heard a little voice and that makes my eyes widen. My sister is using inhaler and we didn't even know..

Is she having asthma?

And the moment she blacked out, Alex look at me asking what to do now.

C'mon I am the doctor. Think something dammit!

I told him to put her to sleep in her room. She needs rest because of how long she was breathless and he left putting her to his arms and left upstairs.

And the moment I looked at Luca and Sandro. It felt like my temper looses.

"Sandro and Luca, From now on, You are not allowed to be anywhere near my sister and dont even dare to talk to me until you realise your mistakes" I growled and their eyes widen and I looked a little bit of guilt in them but it eventually left.

Oh! What was I expecting from them!

"You are our brother! I cannot not talk to you" Luca spoke.

"And she is fucking your sister! She is small and innocent! You are lucky you are my brother or you have known what I must have done with you" I deadpanned and he immediately diverted his eyes.

"Sandro, Luca. Give me all your gadgets! And you both are grounded for this whole week" Alex boomed entering the living room.

"But--" Alex cutted Sandro off.

Alex raise his hand stopping him and looked at me, "what happened to her?"

It took me a moment to make the words left my throat.

"She was a having a seizure and I think she is hiding something too" I spoke.

My sister just had a seizure and As a doctor I know how dangerous that thing is.

There was a complete silence for a while until certain someone decided to open his mouth.

"Attention seeker, I guess" Sandro scoff and Luca joins making me clench my jaw.

"Dad didn't raised us like this. You are calling his princepessa names,Luca" Bruce said and this is the first time he spoke since Lily had a seizure.

My eyes soften. He is always the soft one and completely opposite the twin.

"And she is the reason why he is not with us! She stole Mom from us and then Dad!! And she had already started taking my brothers from me!!" Luca spoke and went out followed by Sandro.

Damn these Kids! I don't understand how he can blame her? I know he missed and Loved Mom he was kid but still.

"So what to do?" Alex asked.

"Wait for a while maybe she would want to open to her. Maybe she can trust us"

"Well I doubt after today if she will talk to us" Alex rubbed his temple.

And after discussing my sister matters we eventually left leaving to our respective rooms.

Alexander's P.O.V

I can't believe my baby had a fucking seizure. But why? No normal child should have these issues. And she is just 16!

I need to get my answers So after tucking her in the bed and kissing her forehead, I pulled out my phone texting our one of the most loyal member Ivan, to find out the entire past information on my sorrelina. And I swear if anyone puts a hand on her, he will die the worst death possible in the history.

"Alex, We need to introduce her to our Mafia too, rumors are out about the back of Mafia princess." Brian told ditting beside me grabbing my glass of whiskey and sipping from it.

"I know, Its just been one day since she is here, and she almost got a panic attack"

"I don't want to involve her in all this shit" I added rubbing my temples.

"I know, But we have too. That's the only way she will be protected" He inhaled sharply.

"Btw, how's deal with Swedish Mafia going on?"

"He's fucking cunning bro. We have to be careful while dealing with him. So I told him the deal will take place in our place"

"You crazy!?! He can't come to our mansion!" Brian shouted.

I know why he's scared but fuck I have made this deal before Lily came into house. And how much am fucking regretting it.

"Yeah, I know but I have already told him before Lily came into our life, And I can't afford to lose this deal" I rubbed my temples.

"What about Lily?"

"She will remain in her room, I will talk to her and he will be coming next week"

"You trust him? I mean to call him at our house?" He pulled out the cigaratte lighting it.

"No.I don't trust that bastard at all. But he is a cunning man, he will never try to destroy our relationships." I closed my eyes relaxing.

"You should get some sleep brother, You got dark circles" Brian chuckled patting my shoulder.

Sometimes I forgot he is my little brother because he acts more like the older man.

"Yeah-Yeah! 𝘧𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰." I rolled my eyes.

He went out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts. What should I do with Luca and Sandro?

I know them both more then anyone else. I can't understand why they are not accepting her? Sandro was the one who never left her side when she was a baby.

And Luca. He was too protective towards her in the past but now..

I removed my clothes leaving myself in just boxers and lay down in the bed scrolling through my phone. Waiting for sleep to come over and get me.

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