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Lily's P.O.V

I groaned as I tried to open my eyes again, and surprisingly it's not dark here. I blinked several times before I look at the ceiling, then noticed my surroundings.

I'm in bed with my arms bandaged properly. I tried to get up but everything hurts, just then the door to the room opened and I stiffened in my position and closed my eyes tightly.

"I know you're awake" I heard a unfamiliar voice as I peeked my eyes open a little gulping hard.

There stood a man almost double my size, with those dark grey eyes. He had a little scar above his eyebrow and to my surprise, it doesn't look ugly on him.

Wait, he is the one who got me away from Bruce and shot him.

Is he the boss?
He has to, with the aura he holds.

He came forward as I pushed myself more to the headboard unintentionally.

"Andrew Russo" He said in a clipped tone. I nodded not knowing what to do.

His voice was harsh with Russian accent dripping from every word left his lips.

"L-Let m-me g-Go?" I tried maybe he will agree.

His brows raised almost tauntingly at me as his lips curved upward.

"Yeah" He shrugged before throwing some pills on the bed and left not before I heard him locking the door.

I sat up with great difficulty and gulped the pills with the glass of water. I need to be strong enough to run.

I gripped the bed before standing up with great difficulty and walked towards the other door which I assume is bathroom.

After doing my business, I look at myself as My face is almost paled, my cheeks red and dark circles under my eyes.

I looked messed up and it's just a day here.

Call me stupid, but I tried to open the main door of the room even after knowing it's locked.

I sat down on the edge looking down as tears started forming in my eyes. A single tear fell as I removed it with the back of my hand. I have to run. I have to escape.

I went to the closet, maybe will found something to wear instead of my already torn tee shirt. And to my surprise, there were many sweatshirts and pants there.

I grabbed a grey sweatshirt and black pants before limping to the bathroom and quickly changed myself.

After going through all drawers, cabinets.. There is nothing which can help me in escaping.


I looked at the window before walking towards it and opened it. Thank god it's not locked.

I looked down and gulped. I'm on first floor but still it looks too deep. I bit my lip thinking hard, I can do it right?

While pulling the sheets of the bed and duvet, I tied them together wincing time to time from the pain in my shoulder and arm. I looked out from the window and there are no guards nearby.

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