18🖤 [Club and Drunk]

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Luca's P.O.V

I groaned looking at the clock as it hits 7:50. Being a man is difficult sometimes.

You have to go to gym daily to maintain your greek god body. And yes, I am a fucking gym freak if we can call it that.

I went to shower pulling out my workout clothes which consists of shorts and.... Just shorts I guess.

I walked downstairs scrolling my phone giving answers to some important messages when I noticed something in the living room.

Or Someone?

I walked forward to see Lily?

What the hell she is doing here?

Her hands were pressed against the wall as her forehead was touching the wall.

Wait. Don't tell me she...

Oh my fucking God!?!

I ran beside her shaking her gently. She flinched back suddenly before she turned around to see me.

I gasped looking ag her state.

Her eyes were red and dark bags were revolving under her eyes. I can see some old tears staining her cheeks.

She looked at me and gave me a small smile.

Me? Smile?

I don't deserve her.

"Lily, Oh my God! Come here" I grabbed her but she shook her head vigorously holding the wall trying to move herself.

"Did-Did you stood here all night?" I asked afraid of the answer.

She nodded weekly licking her lips.

"C-Can you please call Al-Alex. I-I don't th-think I wi-will b-be able to st-stand more then five mi-minutes now" She asked me so tiredly and softly.

"You don't have to baby, Its Over. Come let me take you" I spoke so softly that for a moment I didn't recognize my own voice.

"N-No Al-Alex pl-please. I-I need to show him I-I am not a disappointment or worthless" She pleaded and it felt like my heart just did a guilt flip.

"You are not a disappointment Lily, Not even worthless. You are the light to our life. I don't know if you even trust me. But I am scared for you. I don't wanna loose you again. I messed up everytime but I will always be there for you from now on. Can we start over again fresh?" I looked into her eyes which were shining lightly and A smile crept her face.

"Y-Yes.But For now call Alex plss. I am feeling dizzy" She spoke weekly making me rush upstairs barging into Alexander's room.

"The hell you are doing here Luca? You know noone is allowed to enter my room" He spoke sternly while tying his necktie.

"Come downstairs fast, Its Lily" I spoke and he followed me downstairs without single question.

By this time I noticed everyone coming out from their respective rooms looking at us confused qs we were basically running downstairs.

"What the fuck?" Alex mumbled as he look at Lily.

"She stood here all night as her punishment" I concluded to all my brothers who looked confused.

"No way!" Brian gasped followed by Bruce and Then Sandro.

"She only wants Alex to see her and finish her punishment because she don't want him to think of her as a disappointment and worthless" I spoke slowly the last line because this hurts.

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