25🖤 [His past]

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Third person's P.O.V

"What we gonna do?" Brian asked sitting on the chair again.

"Sandro, anything on Mother?" Alex asked.

"No, but she was last seen in Toronto. Ot felt like she knew we are looking for her and just disappeared in thin air" He answered clutching his jaw.

"Hm, you think someone is helping her?" Alex asked picking the whiskey bottle and placing it on bottle.

"It can be, as Lily has gone through many dangerous people." Brian spoke thinking hard.

"What about 𝘩𝘪𝘮? The man Lily was so terrified of yesterday" Luca spoke clutching his fists.

"We have killed every man we have found from her past. I have already called our man to find who 𝘩𝘦 is and why she's so scared that she can't tell his name" Alex spoke emotionlessly but deep inside he is scared first time for his baby sister.

"Luca and Sandro, since me and Alex are going to deal with threats, I want you both to keep an eye on her. As much as I know her, she will definitely try to meet Matteo" Brian said while running his hands through his curls.

"You really think that?"

"Offcourse, she is our sister and is as stubborn and smart as us" He chuckled shaking his head.

"Offcourse we gonna stay with her" Sandro rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me Sandro" Alex spoke sternly in his capo tone.

"Yeah yeah. Only she is allowed to break all fucking rules" Sandro smirked while leaving the room Luca following behind smirking too.


"Lily! C'mon come inside"

"Bruce, water is cold and am tired now"

"You can't chicken out this early"

"Bruce I've been there from last one hour " She whined.

"Okay one last race" He pouted making her melt.

"Fine!" She huffed before going inside the pool again .

"After that we gonna watch movies" She giggled and as usual he won the race again.

"Let's meet in my room after half an hour. Till then I'll get gather something to eat, okay?" And she nodded making him chuckle looking at her babysis.

Both went to their rooms and after taking a hot shower and wearing comfy clothes Lily went towards Bruce's room still thinking hard about the issues in her life.

Bruce's P.O.V

I can't tell how relieved I am seeing my sister safe and sound again. I wish she would trust us enough to tell us everything. But I think its okay since she is opening towards us.

"Bruce? What's wrong? I have been knocking from minutes" I came out of my thoughts listening to her.

"Nothing.What you gonna watch?" I asked since it's our first movie night. I mean only both of us.

"Hulk?" She grinned.

Well well We have an avengers fan in our family.

"Sure" I shake my head before starting ghe movie. She sat beside me holding the doritos and the pack of M&Ms in her lap and I pulled out the can for myself.

I don't understand what she likes in that green creature in the movie? No offense but it's too weird.

"Hmm" I raised my eyebrows at her.

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