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The whole ride went silent and it was too dark to see his expressions clearly. Who am I kidding? He is pissed more likely.

"S-sorry?" I tried to talk making his eyes snap to me and then my stomach. His hands clenched the steering tightly making me gulp.
As we reached the mansion, he opened my door to pull me out from the seat quite harshly if I say.

"Take her to my office. I'll be there in a minute" He ordered a guard who nodded and grabbed me by my forearm too tightly making me wince. It's gonna leave a bruise. I looked down all the way as he almost dragged me to his office.

Wait. This isn't his office.
It looks like some meeting room. The guard opened the door and made me sit on the chair before finding something in drawers.

And the next thing made me gulp hard. He pulled the handcuffs tying my hands to the back of chair making me unable to move.

"It-" He cut me off by glaring at me daring me to speak something and I quit. After doing his work he left me alone there not before locking the door.

I sighed loudly throwing my head back. Was it a bad decision coming here alone?
But somewhere deep inside I trust Matteo. He is Evil but not for me, I guess.

Is he really gonna torture me like he planned just to made my brothers suffer?

But atleast Bruce is safe and others are also safe. It's not like I'll be hurt for the first time. I am familiar with the pain.

My thoughts cut off when I heard footsteps coming in my direction. I looked over to see Matteo coming removing his tie on his way and folding his sleeves to his elbow.

My heart accelerates looking at those blank eyes as be pulled the gun from his waist putting in on the table in the front of me. He grabbed another chair before sitting directly in front of me.

"So Lily. I need Truth" He spoke too professionally.

"M-Matteo.I-I was scared. That's why I didn't told you" I whispered looking down as a lone tear escaped my eye.

I don't wanna die especially when I have brothers with whom I wanna live more.

"What did you told them about me?" He spoke sternly making me frown. Why would I told them about him?

"I didn't tell them anything. I swear, they don't know anything" I spoke looking directly into his eyes. He sighed after a while pushing his hands over his hairs.

"Fuck! Lily! Y'know how much I hate Liars! Why the hell you had to be that fuckers sister!" He almost shouted making me flinch back.


I bit my lip hard trying to control my sobs but failed miserably. He looked at me with those raging eyes but his eyes soften a little.

He got up from his chair coming towards me making my breath hitch in fear. He leaned forward making me flutter my eyes close tightly for any pain to come but I felt my hands loosening from the cuffs. He once again gripped my hand but this time less harshly and pulled me with him to god knows where.

I am too afraid to ask him anything so I followed him quietly looking down all the way.

We walked through the corridors and led me to a double door and went inside which seemed to be bedroom. The whole bedroom was all aesthetic black looking too royal to be true.

"Sit" He nodded towards the bed and I comply confusingly. He went to the washroom bringing back a box. Is that a medical box? I wipe my eyes from the back of my sleeves.

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