Ch-48🖤 [Messed up]

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Alex's P.O.V

This one hour felt like eternity, me sitting beside Sandro holding his hand tightly, talking to him, begging him to get up.

That's the thing our dad engraved in our minds, no matter how ruthless you are but family comes first. It's okay to cry or be weak in front of family..

And thats the reason no matter we fought with each other, but at the end it's always us against the world.

"C'mon dammit!" I whispered.

"Lily is waiting for us, for you.. We are trying to find her but we need your help Sandro." I mumbled.

I almost jumped when I felt his fingers twiching in my palm.

Fuck. Yeah. Yeah..

I walked to other side pressing the emergency button six seven times and doctors came rushing in.

"His fingers are moving. Check him" I spoke sternly but inside I felt like fucking jumping.

How can I be a Fucking Don.

The doctors do something with the machine and then he told his nurse to close the curtains.

I heard Sandro groan as I moved towards him literally gawking at him. He opened his eyes slowly and winced again.

He opened his eye glaring directly at the nurse in front of him. "Fucking give me some space" He growled, his throat dry from lack of water.

I almost smirked. That's my brother. I gave him a glass of water which he gulped harshly.

"Lily?" He asked looking directly at me and I shake my head in no.

"Fuck.. I guess Vacation is over. Get rid of these wires from me doc!" He asked the doctor who looked at me in fear.

"Sandro. Let him check properly. And you won't move until you are fit enough"

"Fit? Are you kidding me? My sister is out there god knows how!!" He glared at me trying to wake up.

"Sandro Stop. Or I will be forced to drug you" I told him sternly.

"Fine just an hour!" He snapped before closing his eyes.

I sighed in relief.

"Alex! I got an update!" Matteo came inside panting. Which made both mine and Sandro's ears perked.

"Call everyone here. And Docs out." Sandro spoke authoritatively.

Woah. I missed him.

And within a second everyone was inside, including Bruce. My brothers literally jumped on Sandro making him curse at them to get off.

But did they ever listen?

"What's it?" I asked Matteo because I still feel like killing this man for making my babysis his Queen.

"I tracked her location of last hour but then it stopped" He spoke still doing something on his phone.

"And how did you got it?" Bruce asked because he is the one who deals with tracking and shit and he wasn't able to find anything since he woke up.

Matteo gulped and I know it will be something I won't like.

"Well, I gave her a pendant with a tracker and emergency button so that if she presses it, I will get notification on my phone" He smirked arrogantly.

𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵. 𝘋𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦 𝘪𝘵..

"And why the fuck you had a tracker on my twin!" Yup. It's Greyson.

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