15🖤[Shocked and Hurt again]

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The brothers were on the edge at the arrival of Swedish Mafia Leader, Leonardo Smith.

"Luca, Don't use his first name, we don't wanna have a repeat of last time, right?" Brian told sternly making the younger twin nod.

Last time when they met, Luca accidentally called him by his first name. And the hell broke loose, he and his men almost shot the twin if Alex doesn't interfere.

"He is here, Noone will talk except me and Brian. And Sandro, you better control your temper around him. He is not the one to be messed with!"

"Then why the hell we are dealing with him!" He snapped. He never liked Leonardo.

"Because its business, and we are getting profit! Now shut the hell up!" Alex snapped back.

"I just hope, He won't come to know about Lily" Bruce muttered under his breath making everyone froze.

"He won't" Brian added and looked upstairs seeing the door of Lily's room closed.

Maybe she is sleeping peacefully. He ensured himself before going to open the door.

And there enters the Third most powerful Mafia leader of the world in his glory.

He is wearing the black tuxedo, one hand in pocket and other holding the burning cigarette. Following him his bulky bodyguards scanning the entire area like a robot for any threat.

He smirked looking at Alex Knight who came forward with his dangerous aura.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith" Alex spoke in his business voice shaking his hand.

"Same here, Mr. Knight" Leonardo nodded while sitting on the couch like a King he was.

Everyone seated in their respective seats,the older ones discussing the pros and cons of the deal.

"What about the club?" Leonardo raised his brow asking Alexander.

"We don't deal in girls" He spoke sternly

"You can be my partner. Just have to provide some prostitutes" Leonardo shrugged taking a drag from the cancer stick in his hand.

"No.its just drugs and weapons." Alex answered closing the conversation.

Leonardo hmmed thinking a little as his brain running in circles analyzing everything he will be getting and losing in signing this contract.

"Okay.Lets seal the deal" He spoke and signed the contract in front of him. Alex did the same while others just sat there getting bored out of their mind.

"Well, I heard some rumors about your mafia lately" Leonardo smirked and his smirked widened when the brothers face went pale for a second.

"What do you mean Mr. Smith" Alex asked calmly.

"Italians got their Mafia Princess back" He smirked while Sandro hands fisted and Luca on the verge on punching him.

"I don't think its any of your concern" Alex spat venomously. Last thing he eant to hear was his sister's name from this bastard's mouth.

Leonardo shrugged while getting up as he crushed his cigar under his boot. He was about to turn around when a voice heard from stairs making every single person in the mansion freeze.

"What the fuck!" A girl gasped while coming downstairs confused as hell. And due to utter silence her voice reached every person in there.

Alex looked at her and nodded the guards to be on alert node. Sandro's jaw clenched as he moved forward in front of his sister.

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