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I told him everything and the pen in his hand crushed into two pieces.

"Remember his face?" He asked as he got up from his seat walking towards me. I nodded. He pulled me up by my wrist and started walking downstairs in long striding steps making me jog beside him.

We walked downstairs and Grayson and Blake looked at us confused but followed us looking at Ares hard face.

"Kneel" Ares voice roared when we come face to face with the same guard who gropped me who was busy doing something on his phone.

Just as he looked at Ares, his face paled and his hands started shakingly but he knelt on his knees before us.

"𝘚𝘤𝘶𝘴𝘢 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘦" He said shakily looking down on the floor.

Grayson asked Ares something in his language and I guess Ares told him everything by the way Grayson punched the man in front of us so harshly making me gasp and step back.

"Get him in the basement. We're coming" Ares ordered some men and they dragged the almost bloodied man towards the left side of the mansion.

They have basement in their house?

"You okay?" Grayson asked so softly and i nodded smiling a bit.

"Y-your knuckles are bleeding" I whispered grabbing his hand. He chuckled shaking his head, "You haven't seen the worst yet" He smirked while going towards I guess basement.

"Will you be okay alone here? We have to deal with that bastard." Ares spoke rubbing my hands.

"Kill him?" I asked wide eyed. They can't kill him for such a small thing. I have endured more then this.

The dark smirk on Ares lips gave away the answer to my question.

Ares removed a ring from his third finger and hand it over to me, "Wear it. Some people here don't know who you are, this ring shows the power and authority and had a tracker. Feel scared, press it. Hmm?" I nodded putting it on my index finger and it fitted.

"Will be back babysis!" Blake shouted before grabbing fucking knifes from a drawer.

I walked to the sofa turning on the tv and started netflix.

365 days, here I come!

Just kidding!

I clicked on the sixth season of vampire diaries and resumed the episode where I left it.

                  Third Person's P. O. V

The man was chained to the ceiling, blood dripping from his cheek. Almost unconscious.

The door opened as the three devils entered aka Ares, Grayson And Blake.

"Tsk. It would be fun to torture you" Blake gave a sinister smile as he wore the brass knuckles punching into the man's chest. His shouts felt like music to them.

"Which hand?" Ares walked forward.

"With which hand you touch my sister?" Ares smirk grabbing the hammer beside him walking in circle around him.

"I-I am sorry Boss! Please. I didn't know she was your si-sister" He begged for mercy making them enjoy the scene.

"I guess both hands" Ares tsked before he  swinged the hammer colliding it with his hands.

"Dammit Bro! I am left. Don't kill him yet" Grayson chuckled psychotically.

He brings out his favourite knife with G.B engraved on it with gold.

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