🥀Lost in nowhere... (Yasu & Juno)🥀

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An au where Yasu died leaving Juno alone...
More angst cuz why tf not 😈

*Juno pov*

I can't believe it. I stand here, staring at the picture of my cousin, smiling. I can't believe it. He's dead. He left me. Yasu, why? Why are you leaving me this soon? You're too young to die...

Slowly, I approach the portrait. In the portrait, Yasu was smiling happily like nothing ever happened. He was dressed in a nice suit when the picture was taken. I shake my head, not believing what happened to my cousin. He... He got murdered... I lost Saeri once, and now it's Yasu?! Why?! Why does this world have to be so cruel towards me?!!

I feel tears pour from my eyes. Oh, I can't take it anymore....
I burst into tears, falling on my knees on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably. Tears fall from my eyes, wetting my black dress. I scream and cry over the death of my cousin. "No! No! No! Nonononononono!!!!" I yell in anger, agony, and sadness. I feel so depressed, sad, anxious, mad, and anguished. I still can't believe it... My younger cousin that I've taken care of for years... Left me alone in this dark, cold world...

As far as I know, he was the only light guiding me from the darkness... Without him... I'm nothing... Nothing at all... I can't let him go... I still want him by my side.

At his funeral, I stare at his grave, crying. I can't do anything... I look at my aunt, Keiko. She keeps crying and crying due to the loss of her son, until she pass out. People rush to help her and my uncle Daku, I can do nothing but look at them helplessly. I cry even more as I slowly remember those memories... The sound of Yasu's laughter, his smile, his voice... I miss him so much...

I start to tear up even more, then I look at my wrist. It has a bracelet on it. The bracelet was given by Yasu years ago, at my 28th birthday.

'happy birthday Juno! I have a gift for you!' yasu said happily. 'wow! What is it?' Juno asks excitedly. 'Ta-da! Here, I made a bracelet for you. I hope you like it!' Yasu smiled, handing Juno his handmade bracelet. 'what do you think?' 'it looks so cool! Thanks so much, Yasu! I love it!' Juno laughs. 'whoa, I'm so glad you love it!'
(End of flashback)

*Back to Juno's pov*
Teardrops start to fall to the shiny beads on my bracelet. I continue to cry as I take the bracelet off my hand and puts it close to my chest. Soon after, I hear a voice scream, "YASU! GIVE ME BACK MY SON YASU!!" It was aunt Keiko. She screams and cries for her son... I want to scream like her too, but... I don't want to bother aunt and uncle...

After we prayed for Yasu and after I placed flowers on his gravestone, we all go home. This day might be the most horrible day in my life, aside of other days... The atmosphere of today is as dark as my black dress, as dark as the black umbrellas covering people's heads. I drive myself home, and almost hit an electric pole due to me crying for too much and not focusing on what's ahead of me.

At home, I throw myself on the bed, bury my face in the pillow and scream as loud as I can. I cry loudly while slam my hands on the bed, extremely frustrated and angry. This is way too painful... I can't live without him... I can still hear the faint sounds of Yasu's happy laughter inside of my head. Please... I just want to hear his voice... Even if it's just one second.... Please... I still want to hear his voice...

In the evening, I decide to visit Yasu again. After I arrived, I pray for his soul to rest in peace. Tears still fall freely from my eyes as I keep thinking of him. I bought flowers, then I place it on his gravestone. He.. must be so happy to see me... Then I heard footsteps.
That voice sounds familiar. Isamu.
"Isamu, what are you doing here?" I ask him. "I... Just want to visit your cousin..." Isamu sighs, "it's already a year since we've met."
What Isamu said was true. The three of us met a year ago and quickly become good friends. Isamu then places a Polaroid photo of me, Yasu and himself. Below the picture was written, 'first meeting!' with a black marker. I remember I decorated the picture by adding cute cat ears and whiskers on our faces with colored pens.

I stare at Yasu for a long time. In that photo, his left eye was winking and his lips showed a smile. I cried as I set the picture down near the gravestone. I cover my mouth, sobbing. Isamu puts his hand on my shoulder. "Juno, look." He looks at me in the eyes, smiling softly. Tears streaming down his face. "Even though he passed away in front of our eyes, he'll continue to live in our hearts. He's still alive, but... Here." Isamu says, pointing at my chest then his. His words made me cry even more. He's right. Yasu is still inside of my heart. I'm sure he'll never leave our hearts.

I can only imagine my cousin sit here, between me and Isamu smiling, and embracing both of us, who are crying together. He left us forever in our eyes, but he stays forever in our hearts.

Me and Isamu stand up, and stare at Yasu in silence. I then approached Isamu, then bury my face on his chest, crying. This time, I really, really need a chest to cry on. Isamu replies the hug and comforts me. Well, I just hope that Yasu is in a better place now...

Me? Shipping Juno and Isamu?💀 Nah, just wanna make things fluffy cuz my braincells are dying-

Bai imma stop crying rn-

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