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"Brother! Is she your girlfriend?" a curious voice interrupted.

"She's a female friend, yes. But a romantic relationship with her? Never," Naruto clarified.

"Good, because she's flat as heck," Konohamaru retorted, triggering Sakura's anger.

"What did you say?!" Sakura exclaimed, her face turning red with anger.

"Run, Konohamaru!" Naruto cheered, and a chase began as Sakura chased Konohamaru around the village. However, their chase was interrupted when Konohamaru bumped into a cosplayer.

"Hey, watch where you're going, kiddo!" the cosplayer scolded, lifting Konohamaru from the ground.

"Hey, please put him down," Sakura requested.

"No, he bumped into me. I should teach him a lesson," the cosplayer insisted.

"Kankuro, stop it," a girl with sandy yellow hair whispered. Both the cosplayer and the girl suddenly heard clapping sounds, and Naruto slowly revealed himself from the shadows.

"Well, well, well," Naruto clapped slowly, like a villain revealing himself after lurking in the shadows. "Isn't it interesting to see a Kazekage's relative, let alone their son, about to harm the Hokage's grandson? Don't you think it's interesting?" he asked, before murmuring, "Gaara?" Kankuro immediately released Konohamaru, who quickly hid behind Naruto.

"It is. I will indeed teach him a good and refreshing lesson," Gaara revealed himself, kneeling in front of Naruto through a swirl of sand. Gaara's siblings trembled unconsciously in the presence of these two mysterious individuals.

"The Chunin exams will be starting soon, so we better head off," Naruto said. "Sakura, Sasuke, let's go."

"Sasuke-kun isn't even here," Sakura pointed out.

"He's pretending to be a monkey in that tree," Naruto pointed at a nearby tree.

"I am not a monkey!" Sasuke protested.

"See?" Naruto grinned.

Observing the scene, Kurama couldn't help but wonder, 'No matter his position in society, Naruto always finds a way to have fun. Perhaps that's his true ninja way.'

The team proceeded to the location where the first portion of the exams would be held, the academy. Naruto noticed a cheap genjutsu placed to misdirect participants, but Sakura, caught up in her excitement, didn't notice.

Ignoring Sakura's obliviousness, Naruto led the way towards the correct room this time. Along the way, they encountered Kakashi.

"Only you two?" Kakashi asked, noticing the absence of Sakura.

"No, the pinky's too stupid to notice the genjutsu," Naruto sighed.

"Come get her. You won't be able to pass through me without her," Kakashi challenged.

"I thought as long as you were determined, you would qualify," Sasuke remarked.

"It wouldn't be a team if one member is missing," Kakashi explained.

"She's useless, whether she's here or not, nothing will change," Naruto stated dismissively.

Kakashi sighed, acknowledging Naruto's assessment. "Just come and get her."

"Ugh, fine," Naruto groaned, disappeared, and reappeared with Sakura in tow, who was squirming in his tight grip.

"Get off of me! I just want to stand!" Sakura shouted, trying to break free.

"Make more noise, and I will not hesitate to slash your throat, girl," Naruto whispered threateningly before releasing her.

Is this the Naruto they once knew?


"Hey, keep it down. You're attracting too much attention," a guy with ash-gray hair and round glasses intervened.

"Ew, you reek of snakes," Naruto expressed his disgust.

"Oh, you're here too, Naruto?" Kiba asked, noticing Naruto's presence among the group. They had been named the "Rookie 9," with the addition of Team Gai, making them the "Konoha 12."

"Why, of course. I couldn't miss the opportunity," Naruto grinned.

"Wow, damn, billboard, what happened to your hair?" Ino asked, pointing out the change.

"I know! Blame Naruto!" she exclaimed.

"Bitch, you were attracting too much attention," Naruto retorted.

"Naruto, want some?" Choji offered, oblivious to Sakura's recent comment.


'I think they forgot about me,' the gray-haired individual thought.

"Oh, by the way," Naruto turned to the gray-haired guy, "what are those cards for?" He pointed to the hidden cards in the guy's pockets, which the other rookies couldn't see.

Kabuto Yakushi, a supposed genin who had failed the Chunin exams seven times through forfeit.

"What card are you talking about, Naruto?" Shikamaru inquired.

"Those in his pockets," Naruto clarified.

"You have keen eyes, I see," Kabuto complimented the blond.

"These cards can show information about a person. Each card contains information on one person," Kabuto explained.

"Then show us... Naruto Uzumaki," Sasuke demanded.

"Don't you trust your teammate?" Kabuto smiled, proceeding to pull out a card and applying chakra to it. Information magically appeared on the card. However, before anyone could read it, the card burned to ashes.

Naruto glared at Kabuto, snapped his fingers, and ANBU operatives appeared.

"Arrest Kabuto Yakushi for breaking RA 10173," Naruto declared, and the ANBU vanished with Kabuto.

"What did you do, Naruto?" Sakura asked, confused.

"You're a genin. How do you have access to the ANBU?" Shikamaru questioned.

"I will not answer any of these questions. As for the reason I arrested him, if you don't know, RA 10173 is an act of protecting private information. The information written on my card is... private," Naruto explained, evading further inquiries.

"Why would you hide them?" Sasuke pressed.

"You'll find out eventually," Naruto replied cryptically.

'That's my master right there!' Gaara cheered internally. 'Yeah, yeah, I know you love him,' Shukaku rolled his eyes.

Murmurs and whispers filled the room as the contestants watched the scene unfold before them.

Just then, the door burst open, revealing a tall, burly man wearing a forehead protector bandana. He was followed by several chunin.

"Silence!" the man, Ibiki Morino, declared, and everyone complied.

"I am Ibiki Morino, the proctor for the first round," he announced, casting a glance at Naruto, who signaled that they would uncover a vast amount of information, much to Anko's delight.

The Shadow Hokage [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now