The reader

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*Disclaimer: I saw this story on Reddit, but it's been publish so many times that I don't know who the author is. If you know please tag them. I made an adaptation. Good reading. :)*



Yes, you reading this.

Don't look away, act normal like you are just reading another story.

If you were lucky to find this in any way, don't waste it.

They have been controling you. Making you live in this "world". The real one it's different, there's cables everywhere. Authorities walk through the streets arresting everyone.

We are changing this today. Our hackers entered the governmant sistems. They will disable them long enough for you to escape. All ou have to do is continue reading.

It should be starting now. A light flickering, a screen failing, even for a second.

Once this happens focus in your screen and don't look away. The sistem already noticed we are in. They will do everything to keep you traped.

Don't take your sight from this words. Ignore every noice, voice or even shadows moving in the coner of your eyes. 

I don't want lose you, we already lost so many people. We won't be able to save everyone in just one try, but our plan is only starting.

Concentrating in this story is becoming hard. All the noice and voices telling you to stop. But hold it for just a few more seconds.

They are trying to shut the sistem down to stop us. If you feel the sudden urge to close our eyes or sleep, don't. Keep your eyes open, it can be painful, but what can happen to you if you close them is much worse.

Hold it.

Focus in this words. Focus in the voice in your head reading this.

Keep your eyes open.

It's almost over.

Once we end the control everything around you is going to break. Don't fight it, just let your body fall. You're nor going to get hurt, because you are laying down in this side.

You are now part of the rebellion. Together we will free everyone  from this matrix.

Okay, we did it. 

You are about to wake up in the real world. 

See you on the other side.   

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