Chapter Twelve

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Emma had been standing at the exit of the ship for several minutes without any sign of Captain Pike showing up. She started to wonder if she had maybe gone too far by asking him to have dinner with her parents? Perhaps he took it the wrong way and found it inappropriate. Or maybe he got caught up with work. She almost thought about leaving on her own until he finally showed up still wearing his Starfleet uniform.

"Is everything alright?" Emma asked him. She could see an almost alarmed look in his eyes.

Christopher sighed. "Not really. Evidently the R'ongovians aren't exactly happy right now. They don't believe a good connection was made which is I guess...essential for them. I-I don't know."

"Wait." She shook her head confused. "I thought it went well. I mean, they were smiling and joking with us."

"Yeah. My thoughts too. Evidently they're willing to give us another chance, but the conversation has to be with Spock."

"Spock?" She asked surprised.

"I know, but we need access to that space. I've been asked to sit in though which means I may be late to that dinner with your parents. You're more than welcomed to go ahead or stay for the negotiations. I know you aren't getting a lot of time with your parents right now so I completely understand if you'd rather leave."

"I have to admit, I'm curious to witness Spock's negotiation skills." Emma said with a smile. "My parents will understand."

"Okay. Follow me." He told her.

She trailed behind him as they left the ship and onto the Starbase. There was a nicer meeting room with a beautiful view of the stars. Emma remembered sitting inside of it a few times while growing up, but it had been a while since she had been inside of it. Inside was Admiral April sitting on a couch an earshot away from Spock, Nyota and the R'ongovians. Emma and Chris took a seat on the couch and began to listen to the group speaking.

"Query. Is the R'ongovian Protectorate aware of the Klingon history of cultural domination?" Spock asked.

"Response. Merely pointing out the risks of an alliance with the Klingons does not make an adequate argument for the Federation." Vasso answered.

"Understandably, I'm trying to prepare you for the logical fallout should these negotiations fail."
Spock said.

"Which, in essence is a threat."

Emma watched from the corner of her eye as Chris leaned over to Admiral April. "Is it just me or do the R'ongovians suddenly seem awfully Vulcan-y?"

April hushed him. "We're suppose to be observers only."

"Perhaps they like the challenge Vulcans present? Maybe we were too nice. They could fear that the Federation could not hold their own during a conflict that did not involve ships or weapons, but words." Emma supposed earning a shocked look from Chris. "What? Why are you looking at me like I grew a second head?"

"I thought you said you failed your class." He spoke quietly to her.

"I did." Then a mischievous smile spread across her face. "But that doesn't mean I didn't pick up on a few things from my dad."

They turned their attention back to the conversation between Spock and R'ongovians.

"As a Vulcan, I sympathize with your fears... that you will lose your culture to homogenization in a multilateral alliance like ours. There are times I wish I could return to Vulcan to focus on my culture, instead of traveling the galaxy focusing on Starfleet." Spock said.

Emma blinked rapidly. Why would Spock say such a thing? He loved and respected being apart of Starfleet.

Vasso seemed equally confused. "I am confused. Are you saying that you do not value the Federation?"

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