Chapter Sixteen

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Emma didn't want to go back to the bridge. She didn't want to go see Christopher for an abundance of reasons. She was acting childish and she knew that, but inside she was having an existential crisis and all she wanted to do was be alone so she could sort out her own thoughts. She was also still mentally cursing her mother for helping to plant said thoughts. It wasn't long after they hailed him that he walked onto the bridge with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I beamed up. Someone want to explain to me why I had to hear this extremely urgent report in person?" Christopher asked.

"Some information has come to light that we thought you might want to discuss without the risk of Minister Alora overhearing." Una explained to him.

"And what could the possibly be?" He asked.

Una nodded at Uhura. "Cadet Uhura."

She turned to put one of the data chips in and a planet appeared on the screen in front of them. "We matched the language spoken by the kidnappers to a non-Federation colony. Prospect 7. That's an L-Class planet a couple light years away. Very barren, harsh climate. The colony is barely above a subsistence level."

"Yes. Alora told us about them. I suppose it makes sense. Desperate people do desperate things." Chris shrugged it off.

Emma could feel what she could only describe as anger filling her. He was disregarding Uhura's words because he had...feelings towards Alora. She was fighting hard to keep her mouth shut and not say anything.

"Here's the surprising part. This language has common roots with the dialect spoken on Majalis." Uhura said.

"Linguistically speaking, it's impossible." La' an spoke up.

"This colony isn't alien, Captain. It has to be an offshoot off Majalis." Uhura added.

"At the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves: why would anyone leave paradise for Prospect 7? There was to be a reason."

"And if the colony is connected to Majalis, why would Elder Gamal and Minister Alora tell us otherwise?" Spock asked.

"Majalans aren't trusting of outsiders. That's how Alora and I met. Her shuttle failed. It led to an invitation to join the Federation. If that accident had never happened, I'm not sure our two peoples would have ever met. There must be a reasonable explanation for this." Christopher said.

Emma's hands clenched by her side. He wasn't believing them, well maybe he was, he just didn't want too. "Perhaps your close relationship with Minister Alora is...overshadowing your thinking."

She didn't mean to speak. In fact, she didn't even know the words came out of her mouth. She thought she had said it internally. All eyes were on her within seconds. Everyone was staring at her in disbelief and Captain Pike, well he was giving her an almost murderous look.

Emma opened her to speak, to defend herself, but she couldn't think straight. "I...I-I didn't mean."

"My quarters. Now, Cadet Coleman." Captain Pike said through gritted teeth.

She didn't want to follow him, but she didn't think she had much of choice. There would be consequences for her comment. There was a potential she could be kicked out of Starfleet and sent back home as soon as they finished up their mission. She could feel his anger seething off him as they walked into his room. For a moment he didn't speak. He just paced around the room and ran his hand through his hair in an irritated manner.

"Christopher..." Emma trailed off.

He turned to look at her with an unreadable expression. "Captain Pike."

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