Chapter Thirty Seven

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"How is this going to work?" Chris asked hours later. They were lying in his bed with just his bedsheet covering them. Two slices of cake and two glasses of champagne sat on the side tables. He held Emma's hand in his and he gently played with the ring on her finger.

"Truthfully, I don't know." Emma admitted. "I would prefer my parents be the first to know since they already don't approve of the relationship. Everyone else will come second. Maybe when we go on our extended leave in a few months?"

He reached up to drag his knuckles against the bare skin of her arm. His boyish smile was plastered to his face. "I don't know if I can wait that long."

"Me either...but, how about we just enjoy this moment for ourselves before we let the opinions of others in?" She suggested.

"You're right. I can't wait for the leave, though. You're going to love the ranch. I can teach you to ride horses. We can go hiking, fishing." He explained as he pulled her into his body so she would lay on his chest.

"Mmm, that sounds perfect. No one to disturb us either."


"I wrote my biological father a letter. I just haven't sent it yet."

Chris lifted his head to look at her. Emma had not spoken much about meeting her biological mother and finding out who her father was. He had questions, naturally, but he wanted to wait until she said something to him. "That's, um, good?"

Emma sat up in the bed. Her messy hair was thrown over one shoulder. She reached down to pull Chris' shirt over her knowing that once the conversation regarding her biological father was over, it would be discarded, again. "He's retired now. He lives in Santa Barbra, California. He's divorced of course. No kids besides me. It's just...I was in a room with him numerous times and I never knew who he was. I feel like an idiot."

"Em," Chris said softly. "You're not. You didn't know. How were you suppose to?"

"I just felt like I would always know when I met my biological parents. Like there would be some kind string pulling us together. It sounds dumb, I know."

"No, it doesn't. I obviously don't know what you're going through, but if I did I would feel the same natural curiously."

"So, should I send him the letter?" She asked.

"You know I can't make that decision for you. I can read it if you want me to, though." He suggested.

Emma nodded and leaned over to grab her datapad. She opened the letter and handed it to Chris. To Mr. Thomas Kingston- Chris stopped himself and raised an eyebrow at her. "You called your father 'Mr.'?"

Emma groaned. "I know. I didn't know how to address him."

He continued.

My name is Emma Coleman and I'm currently serving on the USS Enterprise as an Ensign for the science division. You probably have no idea who I am and why I'm writing you. Perhaps you think I'm just some crazed fan of yours. While I am a fan of your work, we share something else in common. Years and years ago you had an affair with a woman named Grace Whitley. You may or may not remember her, but she is my biological mother. I only just met her. I was put up for adoption as soon as I was born. That was twenty five years ago.

When I asked if she who my father was, her response was you. She said you never knew. You never wanted to be a father according to her. She was young and scared and I supposed she wanted something better for me. I was adopted almost instantly by a Starfleet Captain and Ambassador. I graduated from Starfleet myself a few months ago. I don't know why I'm writing you this letter. Maybe it's to make myself feel better? Maybe I just want you to know I exist.

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