Chapter Thirty Five

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It took several minutes for Grace to say anything to Emma. For a while she just stared at her with a shocked expression. Emma regretted the way she said it almost instantly. She seemed to have a habit of saying the wrong things at the wrong time, but if Emma didn't say anything, she would regret it. She could see what looked like tears forming in Grace's eyes. She took a step towards Emma and looked like she was going to reach out and touch her, but she didn't.

" do you know?" Grace asked.

"Your name was in my adoption file." Emma answered. "My dad just told me hours ago, because I asked if he knew you."

"They didn't tell you sooner?" She asked.

Emma shook her head. "I didn't want to know."

Her words looked like they hurt Grace. Her mother swallowed thickly. "You're so...big now, and so beautiful. I-I knew I made the right choice. You must have questions."

Emma had a million questions. Angry ones. Sad ones. It seemed like her mother had not fully understood the repercussions of her actions. She thought she did right by her, but once Emma learned that she had had other children, she saw her in a different light.

"How could you give me up and then go on to have three children?" Emma asked with angry tears forming.

"Oh, Emma." Grace realized her words from earlier. "I was so young. My parents were angry with me. I had plans, a future ahead of me."

"You didn't think how it could affect me, in the future? You put your career first. The woman who adopted me became a Captain and then Admiral all while raising me. It can be done."

"I did it so you would have a better life. I think I at least did that right. I mean look at you, you're so smart. You're on one of the best ships in all of Starfleet. You're dating a Captain." Grace spoke with raw emotion in her voice.

"Does your husband and children know about me?" Emma asked.

"My husband, yes. My kids, no. We wanted to wait until they were older to tell them. They're still so young."

Emma inhaled sharply. "Did you ever wonder about me? Or made an effort to find me?"

"It was a closed adoption. I couldn't even if I wanted too. I did want to know who you became. I wondered what you looked like, what you liked to do." Grace paused. "I would love for you to meet my husband and your...brothers. I just need some time to tell them. My husband has always urged me to find you, but...he didn't understand."

Emm felt like she wasn't the one understanding. She had not apologized once. She did seem emotional, but not remorseful. Perhaps anger was clouding Emma's thoughts. She didn't know. It was all a lot. There was still someone Grace had not mentioned; her biological father. According to her parents, he didn't want to be a father and that was all they knew about him.

"My biological father...I was told he didn't want me. Do you know who he is?" Emma asked.

" It was, um, complicated." Grace answered.

"Complicated? What do you mean?"

"He was married."

"Married. You two had an affair?" Emma questioned. The new revelation caused her to feel uneasy.

Her mother sighed. "Yes. We did. His name was Thomas Kingston. He was a prominent scientist for Starfleet. He was away from his wife for long periods of time. The marriage was starting to crumble...I was an opportunity I suppose. We didn't end things on the best of terms. In fact I haven't spoken to him since before you were born."

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