Chapter Nineteen

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Shouting could be heard in the distance. It caused everyone who had been drifting off from lack of sleep and water to jump to their feet. Everyone inside the cell all looked at each other with uncertainty. No one knew what was happening as the sound of phaser fire filled the air followed by even more shouting. Then silence. Minutes later the female pirate along with five other ones ran up to the cell and fought to open the door.

"Go!" She yelled. "You don't have much time."

"Thank you," Chris said sincerely and turned to face his crew. "Gather every weapon and follow me."

Emma and the others found their discarded weapons in a pile and grabbed them. They all started to head to the bridge so they could take control of the ship and get the hell out of there. They kept their eyes peeled as they filed down the hallways. Occasionally they would encounter a rouge pirate, but it wasn't anything they couldn't handle with a phaser. A group of the crew stood outside the doors that lead to the control room while others, including Chris went inside.

Emma had elected to stay outside to defend the bridge with any means necessary. Although, it seemed most of the pirates were concerned with overthrowing their current Captain. It didn't take the crew aboard the Enterprise long to beam them back aboard. Emma had never been more thankful to see the golden light surround her than in that moment. She wanted water, food and a shower. However, it would take a while before anything of those things happened.

They learned that Dr. Aspen was not Dr. Aspen. Instead, they were a pirate named Angel who had assumed the identity of the doctor. The whole thing had been a trap. The colonist. The pirates. All of it was an attempt so that Angel could free their boyfriend from prison. Emma had to admire Angel's prerogative for freeing their boyfriend. The plan had been well thought out and executed. It was so close to actually working, but thanks to the Chris, Una, Spock and Chapel, it didn't. Of course, Angel got away, but the crew was satisfied with taking the remaining pirates into custody.

It was close to ten o' clock at night before she was off for the night. She was finally able to sit down and eat dinner, but taking a shower took longer. It seemed everyone had the same idea to take one after being cooped up in a cell on a dirty ship. The water had turned cold by the time she got to the shower, but she didn't mind. She just wanted to feel clean. After the shower she put some leave in conditioner in her dry hair and dried it before slipping on a pair of pants and her Starfleet Academy sweatshirt.

There was still one thing she wanted do before she went to sleep; talk to Chris. She couldn't avoid the subject any longer. She didn't know exactly what she wanted to say. She was hoping that maybe he would be the first to speak, but she wasn't sure. Part of her wished she had made herself more presentable as she went walking through the Enterprise. She knew he would be understanding of her appearance after the day they had.

The night shift had taken over on the bridge, so she knew he wouldn't be there. She thought she could have just went straight to his cabin, but she didn't want to be too obvious about it or interrupt him if he was in the middle of something. Finally, she past another soul in the empty hallways of the Enterprise.

"Chapel!" Emma called after the nurse. The blonde stopped to look at her. "Sorry to stop you, but I was wondering if you've seen Captain Pike? I need to, um, run a few reports by him."

"Check sick bay. Dr. M'Benga told him to come see him so he could recheck his head." Chapel told her.

"Thank you, Chapel." She said.

Emma wanted to speak to Chris privately, but she knew he had several nasty bruises and cuts that needed to be tended too. The least she could was make sure he was okay. To her surprise, Chris wasn't there. The only people in sick bay were a few ensigns that got hurt during the altercation with the pirates and Dr. M'Benga.

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