Chapter Thirty Three

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Days off while actively aboard a Starfleet ship were very rare. Very, very rare. Usually you were required to work seven days a week. Occasionally you would be granted one day off every few weeks. Emma didn't particularly mind working all the time. She enjoyed being on the Enterprise and she enjoyed her job. However, she was feeling the stress from starting in a new department. It was the most work she had ever done in her life. She had found it to be more tedious than she anticipated. She enjoyed every bit of it though.

Her plan was to sleep in. Join Chris for breakfast at some point. After that she would go back to her cabin and either sleep more or attempt to read. So far her morning had been going to plan until she walked into Chris' cabin. The first indication that something was amiss was the fact that he had mad a more extravagant breakfast than usual. Pancakes and French Toast. Eggs and bacon. Toast. Fruit. There was even a mimosa.

"Morning, beautiful." Chris greeted her and gave her a quick kiss.

"I don't like this." Emma said.

He chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"You did something. I don't know what you did, but it's something I won't like." She said with narrow eyes.

"What I did was make my girlfriend breakfast and tell her she was beautiful. Now sit." He told her.

Emma still didn't trust him, but she sat down. She wasn't going to let the expansive breakfast go to waste. She could tell he was reading something as he stood across from her, but she couldn't tell what. Normally she didn't ask. She would wait for him to her if it was something important.

"Have you talked to your parents recently?" He asked.

"Not really. I mean, I try to call my dad every now and then, but I think my mom is still mad at me." She told him.

He ran a hand through his hair. She knew she still blamed himself. She also knew the fear he had about the crew finding out about the two of them from someone other than them. "I'm sorry, Emma."

She shook her head. "Don't do that. Don't blame yourself. We both knew this was a possibility. She will either get over it or continue to not see her daughter. Now, let's talk about something other than my mother please."

"I do have something we could talk about." Chris said.

"And what's that?" She asked.

"First, I want to start off by telling you how much I love you and how beautiful you are." He said as he slowly walked over to her. He wrapped his strong arms around her and she looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"I knew there was a reason you made me a fancy breakfast. Lay it on me, Christopher." She said with annoyance.

"I know it's your day off, but a priority one just got sent my way. We'll be picking up a Fleet Admiral Grace Whitley from Stargate Ten. From there we will be transferring her to Stargate Four." He explained.

"Why us? And what does this have to do with me?" She asked.

"Because we're the closest ship and the newest one. Fleet Admiral Whitley is very interested in seeing the Enterprise. The reason I'm telling you is they want her to be treated very well and given a full tour while she's here. You just happen to be the daughter of an Admiral and Ambassador which makes you the perfect person to show her around."

"I hate you." She groaned.

"I know, Em. I'm so sorry. I would definitely ask someone else, but you are the best person for the job."

"Am I suppose to be flattered?" She asked.

He smirked at her. "A little. I promise I will make it up to you. Anything you want."

"Promise?" She asked.

He leaned down and kissed her. "Promise."

"Fine. I'll do it." She said with a sigh. "Fleet Admiral Whitley. I've never heard of her."

"She mostly stays off Earth. She prefers to be in deep space. She's got an impressive track record though. We'll be picking her up in an hour so that gives you time to get ready." He said.

"Do you want me in the full dress?" Emma asked.

"Preferably. Everyone else is going to be." He replied.

She perked up slightly. "Good. I've been looking for an opportunity to try them on. Which means I probably should head back to my cabin and get ready."

"Probably." He agreed. "I'll meet you outside the conference room so I make introductions. Thank you, Em."

"You're welcome, and remember, you owe me." She said and drew him down for a kiss.

Emma wasn't even sure if she knew where her dress uniform was as she walked to her cabin. They were only used for very rare occasions. She remembered seeing them stacked on her bed, but she couldn't quite remember where she had put them. She knelt down on the floor and began to rummage through the drawers until she found the uniform on the very bottom. It was mostly black but towards the top of the shirt had gold stitching and the shoulders and collar were blue indicating that she worked with the science division.

She pulled the sweater she had off and pulled the shirt on over it. She unpinned one of Starfleet pins and clasped it on the chest. The pants and shoes were similar to her regular uniform. They just looked more polished. Just as she finished pulling her hair up, she heard the familiar ping of her datapad. She picked it up off her bed and saw that her dad was trying to video call her. She glanced at the time and knew she had a few minutes to spare for him.

"Emma! Wait-" Joshua stopped himself when he saw his daughter's uniform. "I thought you were off today?"

"I am, well, I was. Evidently we're transporting some Fleet Admiral today who has a special interest in the Enterprise. Chris wants me to be the one to give her a tour." Emma explained.

"You work too much." He noted.

"You know how it is. I enjoy it though. Besides, I probably am the best person for the job." She admitted.

"That is very true. I'm sure you watched me meet plenty of important people. I hope you learned something from it. What's her name? Maybe your mom or I know her and we can give you some talking points?" He asked.

"Grace Whitley." Emma watched her father's face drain of all color within a second. She had never seen such a haunted look on him before. For a second it terrified her. She thought something was happening to him. "You good, dad?"

"Uh? Ummm...Yeah. I-I'm good." He lied.

Emma raised an eyebrow at him. Her dad was a terrible liar. "What? Did you date her or something before you met mom? Or is she mom's mortal enemy?"

"N-No. Emma...She's..." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. She had the right to know. She shouldn't have to go into something blindly. He swallowed thickly. He figured he would have the conversation with her eventually, just not in the way it was currently happening. "She's your biological mother."

Emma froze. She wasn't sure if she had heard  him correctly. Biological mother. She had often wondered who her biological mother was, what was she like, what happened to her, but she never imagined she would actually meet her. "I-I don't understand. You guys knew her name?"

"We did. Eventually, we were going to tell you, but we wanted to wait until you asked. I'm sorry you had to find out this way, Emma." Her father's voice had turned somber.

"Does she know who I am?" She asked.

He shook his head. "No. She didn't name you. I have no idea if she ever found out about you or not. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know. I-I need to talk to Chris first."

"Okay. Emma, whatever you decide, I know that you made the best decision. She would be lucky to get to meet you." He said genuinely.

"Thank you, dad. I love you."

"I love you, too." He said and then she hung up.

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