Chapter Three

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Warning! Sexual content!

"That, my pet, is sad." My Mistress sighed and my breath stopped. I felt her free hand start softly caressing my stomach under the water.

I swallowed but couldn't move as the hand previously around my waist moved slowly up to my left breast. I gasped again at the sudden soft touch. Her hand was the perfect size to fully cover my whole breast, allowing her to be able to palm my firm, spongy appendage. I felt my nipples harden making tingles start to zip down from the tips to places bellow my stomach.

Breathing and thinking became harder as those tingles grew to pleasurable sparks coming from my breast every time Mistress squeezed or manipulated it skilfully. 

"I will show you then, but if it is making you uncomfortable, tell me to stop." She ordered in a whisper that was breathed straight into my ear that I'm coming to find out is quite sensitive, in a breath stopping erotic way.

She broke eye contact to kiss my cheek, sending sparks throughout my whole body. The kiss made me blush and for some reason relax a touch more, maybe because I literally can't remember the last time I was kissed and I have to say, it's a lovely feeling, especially since it came from the soft lips of my mistress.

The hand that was caressing my stomach finally started to move southward in slow, lazy circles. I couldn't help but let out a breathy giggle as her fingers tickled my sides and made my stomach quiver along with the rest of me.

It was hard to breath when that hand finally moved all the way down to the top of my left thigh and slid in between my thighs to slowly start pushing them apart. I allowed my legs to open, never feeling forced, trapped or uncomfortable in this situation. I felt safe in Mistress' experienced hands.

Talking about hands, the one still on my left thigh started to move in circles on the inside of it. Slow, caressing circles that ranged from small and feeling to wide and searching. With each circle though my heart would beat faster because that hand would move closer towards where I felt like I was burning.

As her hands manipulated my flesh, her lips trailed up and down my neck, over my shoulder before going back up. She would stop at my fluttering pulse and softly suck on the tender skin over it, which would cause a thrill through my body.  She would then move on to nibble and suck at my earlobe, which is a very strong erogenous zone for me, as I found.

As much as I tried to hold back I couldn't help but to close my eyes, tilt my head back to lay it on her shoulder as I moaned, even when I was trying not to. Mistress' hand on my breast soon moved to my right one as her other hand on my thigh started to softly play with the hair at the apex of my thighs.

I didn't know what to do, I was being overwhelmed with sensations I wasn't use to. So I sat there, hands clenching then releasing on the sides of her thighs while she strummed my body to a tune like a skilled musician.

Her fingers above my sex stopped playing with the hair and started to move lower until they finally touched my slick entrance. I sucked in a breath at the pleasure of being so softly, almost tenderly, touched there.

It was nothing I had ever felt before. Her hands were smooth and soft, a harsh contrast to the rough and calloused pulls and painful forced entrances I was use to.

I found that Mistress knew exactly what to do, where to touch and when to go faster or slower while her fingers played a magnificent game with my flesh. Her hand at my breast started to roll my nipple between her fingers and thumb sending extra pleasure down to the bottom of my stomach.

I was panting, gasping for air that just didn't seem to want to enter my lungs. My fingers dug into my Mistress' thighs, I didn't know if I was hurting her or not but she didn't stop moving her hands or trailing nibbling kisses down my neck and over my shoulder, always going back to my ear.

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