Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Please don't kill me? 🙇😅


I stared into his red eyes as shock filled my being.

What did he say? What... did he just... say?

I felt light headed and the room was spinning in front of my eyes until everything suddenly stilled. My heart was slowly stilling inside my chest like the shock of everything was literally killing me. Then everything just became so silent and I couldn't feel anything.

I looked up and found myself alone in a small cabin made out of wood and stone with the floor and walls covered with animal fur to keep out the cold. It was relatively small but warm and comfortable because of the fire burning bright in the hearth on one side of the open cabin.

A young girls laughter cackled through the air gaining my attention at the same time as the wooden door leading out of the old cabin was pushed open to allow a little girl, bundled up in soft furs to keep the cold away from her body, ran into the warmth of the cabin. She squealed in laughter as a larger man ran into the cabin also giving out bellowing laughs and was dressed in furs to keep warm while outside as well.

"Daddy!" The girl squealed in laughter as the tall man managed to catch her, wrapping his large muscled arms around her and picking her up. He pulled the squirming girl to his chest while they both continued to laugh.

An unusual pain filled my chest at the sight of the two. I tried to rub at it but it wasn't helping to make it go away. I then realised that tears were falling from my eyes but I didn't have the strength to wipe them away.

"I've got you little one! What are you going to do now?" The man asked in a growled laugh.

"No! Daddy! Let me go! Let me go daddy!" The child whined before she suddenly stopped moving. She folded her arms over her chest and pouted.

"Aww, come on baby girl, don't be like that." The father also pouted though his green eyes that matched the girls sparkled with adoration and love.

"No." The girl denied as he tried to kiss her cheek.

"Oh yeah? You can't deny me for long girly." The father grinned evilly as he started kissing her all over and tickling sides her making her squeal out with hysterical laughter.

"No! No! Stop it!" The girl squealed just about ready to pee herself from laughing so much.

"Now what is going on here?" A woman's voice asked filled with endearment from the cabins entrance. I took my eyes away from the daughter-father duo and looked to the front of the cabin where a woman with beautiful brown hair and stunning hazel eyes stood watching her family with a smile.

"Mummy! Help me!" The girl squealed out still stuck in her father's arms.

"Oh what are you doing to our daughter you big goliath!" The mother scolded and even though she was basically half of the mans height she still managed to reach up and grab hold of his ear.

"Ow ow! Mummy!" The father whined out childishly going against what his massive frame should have made him act like.

"Now you let go of my daughter and go skin the rabbit so I can get started on dinner." The mother demanded as she pulled his ear down making him bend down to her level.

"Sorry darling but I believe you've fallen into our trap!" The father suddenly grinned making the mothers mouth open in surprise when he suddenly let go of their daughter, who was expecting it all, and they both tackled the woman to the ground.

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