Chapter Thirty-Seven

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I woke up to find lady Beatrice teaching Athena a child's game where they slapped their hands together in a rhythm getting faster and faster until one made a mistake. I also realised I must have been asleep for only a few hours since the pair were still in the same clothes as before and the sun has gotten warmer being more centre in the sky than before.

I watched the two on the floor beside my bed feeling a contented warmth in my chest at the sight of Athena cheering quietly when lady Beatrice made a mistake, on purpose, and all she gave was a quiet congratulations, which just made Athena's smile widen that much more.

A soft knock sounded from the door catching our attention. Lady Beatrice stood up and answered the door to find Anon standing casually behind it.

"Mercy's awake." He said getting to the point.

"So am I." I sat up saying. I stretched my limbs and rubbed my neck where I was bitten before remembering how lady Beatrice had healed me. I blushed at the reminder of her lips and tongue on my neck before all thoughts suddenly came back to the present when Athena basically tackled me back onto the bed.

"You're awake!" She exclaimed happily making me laugh as she sat on me.

"I am." I agreed before turning to the others who I found smiling at me. I blushed slightly at the sudden attention before shaking it off. "How is she?" I asked Anon sitting back up with Athena on my lap.

"She's... upset, and mad at herself for losing control like that." Anon answered his smile fading.

I hummed softly and decided to get up Athena now wrapped around my torso. "I can barely move if you keep clinging to me like this, Athena." I complained to the girl in a joking tone.

"Be careful." Athena suddenly muttered looking up at me. "Just in case."

"Of course. You should stay here with Anon and teach him that game you and Lady Beatrice were playing." I told her while she dropped her hold from around me.

"Okay!" She exclaimed happily and rushed to Anon grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bed. "I'll teach you how to play a game."

Anon chuckled lowly at the girl as he allowed himself to be dragged around. Walking pass me he brushed the back of his hand against my own hand, an affirmation that I was alright.

I smiled at him in assurance before heading out of the room along with lady Beatrice.

"How are you feeling?" Lady Beatrice asked softly as we walked towards Mercy's room.

"I feel fine now. I just lost a bit of blood." I shrugged. "The nap was good and I was happy when I woke up to see you."

I smiled at the sight of a blush tinting my lady's face. "I was trying to get Athena's mind off of you and everything else for a little so I taught her a game I learned when I was a child. She learnt it incredibly fast. She's a highly intelligent girl."

"She is, I'm glad you two get along. I think you should show her the library one day; I reckon she would appreciate it." I told her while we walked close enough together that sparks tingled through my arm from the slight brush of contact it had every time we touched.

"I think I will. I like Athena and I can see her becoming someone incredibly important one day." Lady Beatrice agreed making me happy.

We made it to Mercy's room and I sighed at the feeling of melancholy that seeped out of the room with the mana. I knocked on the door but heard no response but I could feel Mercy's mana behind the door. I knocked again while calling out. "I know you're in there Mercy, let me in."

"Why are you here? No... go away! I'm just going to hurt you again." Mercy called back making me sigh again.

"Please Mercy, let us in, we need to talk about it." Lady Beatrice said through the door.

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