Chapter Fifteen

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Sylvia and I walked into the bathroom to find it nearly completely empty beside a few maids gossiping in one corner of the large bath.

"Purple!" A voice exclaimed catching my attention and I found Mercy half submerged in the water red hair fanning out around her.

"Mercy. How are you?" I asked as I took off my sleepwear and slid into the warm water sitting on the bench beside Mercy.

"I'm good, but how are you? I was worried that you weren't going to wake up again like last time." Mercy looked at me with worry marring her pretty face.

I smiled at her reassuringly. "I'm alright now. I just needed a good sleep and some blood. Sylvia looked after me very well." I turned to Sylvia with a thankful smile as she slid in beside me.

She smiled back at me her discomfort from before disappearing. "It's part of my job, my lady."

"So you wouldn't have looked after me if it wasn't your job too?" I asked teasingly taking the cloth and soap from her hands making her frown at me.

"That's not what I meant!" Sylvia protested.

"I know it's not, don't worry." I told her before twirling a finger at her telling her to turn around. She did as told and I started washing her back with the soap and cloth. "What are you doing today Mercy?" I questioned the silent red head who was washing her long hair.

"Hm? Oh, most probably follow you and lady Beatrice to the garden again to watch you train. It was amazing watching you yesterday." Mercy smiled as she remembered. "Can you show me something?"

I laughed softly at her excited look as she looked at me excitedly. "Sure." I agreed as I handed Sylvia the cloth and soap when I finished washing her back, arms and shoulders. I stepped away from them slightly and thought of the spells I had read over yesterday. "I don't know many since I barely got through a quarter of the book but I'll show you something different."

"Jesholat eveth. (Freeze water)" I whispered as I gathered mana within me then seeped it out into the water where it suddenly froze over making everyone still in the bath squeal out in shock. I laughed at their reactions. "Ivvisat jesh. (Melt ice)" I ordered and the ice melted back to water. "Affazhat eveth yath. (Warm water up)" The water became warm again making everyone sigh and I continued to laugh.

"That wasn't funny Purple!" Mercy exclaimed as she splashed water at me but I continued to giggle. "That was cool thought, I have to admit."

"I'm glad you liked my trick." I smiled at her before turning to Sylvia who was scowling at me slightly. "Sorry." I apologised to her and she rolled her eyes with a slight smile telling me that she wasn't mad at me.

"Turn around let me wash you." She told me and I did as she said. I listened quietly to Mercy and Sylvia talk as we finished washing ourselves before getting out.

"Come on, let's head to breakfast." I said as I dressed in my now usual clothing of long pants, short-sleeved shirt over bound breasts, soft leather shoes and with my hair tied up.

I walked to the dining room with Mercy and Sylvia walking behind me respectfully, which I didn't like, before Mercy took her leave to head towards lady Beatrice's room as I walked into the dining room that had servants cleaning basically everything. It was quite dark in the dining room because the shutters over the windows were closed. With a flick of my wrist and a thought I pushed the mana in the room outwards to open all the shutters letting light and new mana into the room. Everyone in the room jumped in fright making me snicker a little at their shock.

"It seems that your access to mana has pulled out your mischievous side, pet." I jumped in shock when my Mistress walked into the room an amused tilt to her lips.

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