Chapter Fifty-Eight

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When we got back to the estate, Adelle was placed in a cell that Ashwini had created to hold back any magicks and would stop her ability to use her hands. I helped with the restraining of her artefacts by making it unable to pull in any mana. Luckily I didn't have to be in the same room to do it, because the moment I stepped into the cell I panicked and couldn't help remember my time in Enrique's cell.

From what I heard from Beatrice, Adelle wouldn't talk, no matter what she was put through. I couldn't help it, but I felt bad for her. I know what it was like to be put through the torture of being tied down in a cell while something you didn't want was being done to you. But I didn't do anything to stop it.

Eliza was in room arrest from when she woke up. I had placed her into the room beside mine and the only people allowed to enter was myself, Athena, lady Aviva and Beatrice. She wouldn't say anything to anyone besides Athena. I would sit and listen to the young girls talking at night sometimes. They spoke of Sylvia the most and what she meant to both of them. It was a sad and happy conversation. Athena would also tell the older girl what it was like living in the estate. About the little adventures her and Sian went on while I was away, and about those who lived in the estate.

Eliza at first was adamant about not wanting to be here, that her and Athena should run away and go back to the Hunters, but Athena readily declined and argued against Eliza's reasoning. I didn't like how Athena had to fight for us, I didn't like that there was something that made the humans hate creatures like myself so much. I couldn't see what the reasoning were. Why was there so much hate between humans and the, supposedly, 'unnatural' creatures of the mortal realm? I didn't get it.

Qoy came back the night we arrived back and got a room of his own beside Anon's, across the hall from me. He seemed adamant to not go back into his sword state unless he had to. I spent a lot of time with him and Beatrice during the days after our arrival back, just gaining back strength, both physically and mentally. I trained in both mana and how to use Rhoa az. It seems I can use the spirits in the knife and look through their eyes while they wonder around doing my bidding. It was amazing and difficult at the same time. I had to make sure I didn't get lost in the creature's mind when I was looking through it. Beatrice has had to literally cut off my hand to cut the connection between me and the blade that was the in between from my mind and the creatures.

After a few days though, I was feeling the grinding need for blood, which I couldn't still just take from Victoria without the urge to vomit it back up and get cast back into my memories of torture and insanity. So I started to hunt more within lady Aviva's territory at her orders. Anon came with me and with each mission we once more became as close as siblings like we were before. Qoy also came, since he couldn't be away from me for more than a few days at a time, and much to his displeasure, he did have to change into his sword form once a day for a minimum of two hours.

Slowly things were turning into a natural rhythm. Beatrice now stayed in my room permanently, we also got a new bed from the fairy realm. Mercy worked with Galen as lady Aviva's personal guards whenever she had to leave the estate, I'd follow behind as a ghost guard if anything were to happen. Athena was loving her apprenticeship with Beatrice and enjoyed her work immensely. Athena also finally got Eliza to give the estate a go and she soon started training with the human guards once she accepted us.

Anon, Qoy and I worked as hunters, mainly alone but sometimes we would meet up with other hunters to work on a difficult job. During our time I met tones of different creatures, such as a kelpie, a Black Shuck, a coven of Sirens, a few Banshee's and a couple of Alp/Goblins just to name a few. I actually found it fun, except for the times we were too late to save a creature from the human Hunters, only finding their corpses in a silent clearing. That always hit me hard that I wasn't able to save them.

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