Chapter Eleven

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Warning! Sexual content!

"It's not that easy for me." Beatrice shook her head and I felt her expand her senses but they were nowhere near their limits. Her silvers eyes glowed at me as her fangs glinted in the firelight.

I raised both my hands palms up between us. "Grab my hands and I will keep you here. As slowly as you feel comfortable with, expand your senses."

Beatrice frowned at me before hesitantly placed her smooth hands into my own. I clasped them tightly with a reassuring smile as I made the mana around her press down on her body. She gasped and I felt her try and move but with the weight of the mana pressing down on her it made it difficult. "I can't move." Beatrice gritted out.

"Relax Beatrice, you said you're afraid of losing control. How can you go around killing anyone if you can't move? Plus the first person you'd go for would be me but I'm holding your hands, which'll give me enough time to crush you to the ground using the mana around us." I told her seriously and I felt her relax. "Good. Now, as slow as you want to go expand your senses to as high as they can go."

Beatrice closed her eyes but I could see the tension and worry on her face. I squeezed her hands. "Relax my lady, you can't hurt anyone here, I won't allow you to. So relax and let your tension and fear go."

Slowly after many minutes Beatrice's beautiful face started to smooth out and I saw her enticing body relax. Even more slowly I felt her expand her senses and I could see her personal mana seeping out of her just as slowly as she let her senses expand. I don't know how long we stood there. Her expanding her senses with her eyes closed and me standing there holding her hands staring at her making sure she couldn't move. Her senses were halfway out and I could feel the pure mana flow slowly into her as her own came out but both of our concentrations snapped when someone entered the library. Beatrice's personal mana slammed back into her while the pure mana around her was cut off. Her hands clenched my own so hard I felt my bones break in her grip. I placed more weight down onto her and I saw her grit her teeth as the smell of my blood must be torturing her.

"Stop my lady." I whispered as I felt her buck at the weight of mana on her. "Close off your senses. Fight against the need." Slowly I felt Beatrice go back to normal and even slower I lightened the weight on her till I knew she was back to normal. She still hung onto my broken hands that tried to heal themselves but they kept on snapping again because of her grip. I tried not to hiss in pain to let her know that she was hurting me.

"You're alright now my lady, I have you." I told her and she slowly opened her eyes. I smiled at her supportively but it disappeared when she fell forward. I caught her in my arms as Sylvia watched in surprise. "It's okay my lady, your senses must be pretty tired from being over stretched. It's been a long time since you've gone that far so from now on you have to stretch them every day until you can reach your limit."

"Yes, I never thought I'd ever be able to go that far again." Beatrice said her forehead against my shoulders and her body limp against my own. "I can't move, I feel naked and raw."

"I'll take you to your room." I said and picked her up bridal-style. "I'm guessing we're late to dinner?" I asked Sylvia who looked puzzled by the whole situation.

"Ah-ah yes, but I'll go tell lady Aviva that you won't be going." Sylvia shook her head to clear her head.

"Thank you Sylvia I'll meet you back in my room when I get lady Beatrice to bed." I told her and headed to the door Beatrice now asleep in my arms. "How can someone so dangerous look so peaceful and beautiful in their sleep?"

"She's not the only one like that." Sylvia smirked at me. "You're pretty dangerous asleep and awake, if I was the type I'd jump you day and night."

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