Chapter Ten

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"Yes." She nodded her head keeping her fingers to the paper and my hand over hers. "You're right, each letter has a different feel to it. Each is unique."

"Like humans, and Nightwalkers and what other beings are out there." I smiled at her. "Your mana is different to your sisters, while both your mana's are different to Sylvia's and my own."

"You can feel different peoples mana's?" Beatrice asked looking up at me.

"Yes." I nodded my head and let go of her hand before stepping away from her feeling like I had been too close to her for too long, but not yet long enough for myself. "When I woke up I could feel the mana in the room along with the mana in the people we walked pass. It's strange being so in tune with the mana around me."

"How did you do it?" Beatrice asked placing the paper onto her desk.

"I have no idea, but I just let it do as it wants." I shrugged.

"What do you mean?" She asked and sat down in the chair that was tucked under her desk.

I sat in the chair beside the window and looked at her. "Mana is everywhere, I can feel it when I expand my senses. It is a living entity but it doesn't have a mind of it's own. Like a plant, it doesn't have a brain yet it is still alive and can cooperate with other living creatures. Mana is alive and flows through everything living and non-living. But you already know all this don't you?' I asked her and she nodded and allowed me to continue. "Even while I'm just sitting here, when I breathe in I can feel the mana in the room fill my body and mind till it threatens to break me before it flows out of me when I breathe out. I let it be, I let it fill me, I let it flow out of me, I let it go through me, I let it stay where it wants to stay. I really don't know how else to explain it, I just allow it to do whatever it wants."

"But how did you get to this point when I'm letting it do what it wants?" Beatrice asked.

"But you're not." I smiled at her feeling the mana within her was trapped and the mana around us couldn't flow through her like it was with me. "Your body and mind is stopping it from entering and exiting from you. I can feel the mana inside you is trapped while the mana around us wants to go through you, you're not allowing it to."

"But why?" Beatrice asked looking frustrated.

"Because you're afraid of losing control." I said not really knowing why I said it but I saw the truth of my own words when I saw Beatrice freeze. "You're afraid to allow your senses to expand to their utmost limit and accept the mana around you to flow through you. You're afraid of being weak. I gave up my control the minute I pledged my life to your sister. I can expand my senses to their limits because I know that I belong to my Mistress and I won't do anything of she doesn't order me to. I can lose myself to the mana around me because my being belongs to one person that I owe it to. You don't have someone like that so you're afraid that no one can bring you back if you ever lose control."

Beatrice was silent as she looked at the ground in front of us and I hope that I didn't offend her in anyway. "We should get back to your lesson." Beatrice whispered dropping the subject.

"Yes my lady, I'm sorry if I offended you." I apologised nervously.

"There's nothing for you to apologise for... you're right, I'm afraid that if I lose the power within me I'll be weak and lose control." Beatrice whispered looking away from me.

"But why? No one here would allow you to lose control." I asked her. "Especially not your sister, she'd never allow you to lose yourself and become weak."

"Enough." Beatrice stated firmly turning her silver eyes back to me. "We'll discuss this another time, we have other things to do."

"Yes my lady." I agreed while thinking that I'd never allow her to be weak and lose control. I don't think it's possible for her to be weak in the first place.

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