Thank You

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I don't really know what to write here besides for thank you.

Thank you all so so so so so so so much!!!!!!!

For sticking around, for reading, for commenting, for voting... for a hell of a lot really.

Many times I thought of giving up, but then I remembered all of your awesome comments and when I remembered them, I remembered how bloody addicted I am in reading them. They make my all gooey and gushy inside because it always surprises me that, there really are people reading my writings and that just shocks me... and I love it, haha.

So yeah... I really love you all so much and I'm terribly sorry how I ended it BUT DON'T WORRY!!!!

There is a second book and I will post the first chapter soon, though after that it'll be a little bit and I'll be concentrating more on Insanity Black since I've put off writing that one for a bit too long.

So I hope you'll all like it as much as you did this one.

If you have any questions at all, don't be afraid to ask them and I'll be sure to answer them. Either here, on my page, or in a private message, I usually get them some way or another and I'll be happy to answer them.

Thank you all and anha athzhilar yer!!!

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