Chapter Eleven: Kristina and Ashton

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Kristina's p.o.v.

"Why did you do that?" all four ask.
"We were trying to bring ya'll back," Ashton and I say in unison.
The guys simply stare at us confused. I take that as an opportunity to get off the floor. I help Ashton up and turn to the guys.
"Guys, you have been in shock for a while," I tell them as understanding crosses their faces.
"Oh," they say in unison.
"Wait, where is Tess?" Claudia asks.
"And Luke?" Calum adds.
"Do you remember how Tessa's wound was gushing blood right before y'all went into shock?" I ask.
"Yeah," Michael says.
"Why?" Elizabeth asks.
"Luke took her to the bathroom down the hall to fix her wound," I reply. "I was just making sure you remembered the wound first, so you wouldn't freak out."
After everyone calms down, we separate to do whatever we want. I walk over to the couch plopping down across it. I'm laying there wondering what is taking Tess and Luke so long.
I feel the end of the couch sag under someone's weight. Lifting my head, I find Ashton staring at me. Why is he staring at me?
"Why are you staring at me?" I ask.
No response.
"Ashton?" I ask waving my hand in front of his face.
I watch as his eyes begin to focus on my face. His eyes flutter as he comes out of his fantasy. He is so cute.
"Sorry, I was thinking too hard, I guess," Ashton says.
"It's ok, so what's up?" I ask trying to make conversation.
As Ashton opens his mouth to reply, we hear something shatter. Turning toward the sound, we find Calum standing over a puddle of water and shattered glass. We watch as he bends down and begins picking up glass.
"Do you want to go walk around?" Ashton asks.
"Sure," I reply.
Instantly, Ashton grabs my arm pulling me up from the couch. As soon as my feet hit the ground, he was pulling me toward the door to the instrument room. When we enter the room, I can't help but stand in the doorway staring in awe.
This room is what Tessa and I consider our paradise. Guitars hang on a rack along the length of the wall. A drum set is placed in the corner of the room. The rest of the room had several amps and speakers placed in random spots.
"I have died and gone to heaven," I say in awe.
"I take it you like electric guitars and drumsets," Ashton comments.
"I used to play drums, but now I play guitar," I reply. "And yes, I prefer electric guitars."
"Why did you quit the drums?" Ashton asks.
I look him in the eyes and tell him the truth, "I didn't feel like i was good enough."
"You can't be that bad," Ashton says.
I give him my best, "Yeah right," look. Just wait he is going to say that if I can play guitar, I have enough rhythm to play drums like everyone else. I watch as he turns toward me and...
"If you can play guitar, you have enough rhythm to play the drums," he says. Right on cue.
I just stare at him in response.
When Ashton notices me staring at him, he says, "I believe the only thing holding you back from being a good drummer is your confidence level."
This caught me off guard. No one has ever said anything like that to me. Instead, people are usually saying how I'm confident in everything I do.
"I'm confident," I say incredulously.
"Then why do you think you're not good enough?" Ashton asks.
"Because...." I say as I try to formulate an answer. "I don't know why, honestly."
"I know what we can do," Ashton says. "Come."
I follow him to the drumset in the corner. As we pass a shelf, Ashton pulls a pair of drumsticks out of a bag and hands them to me. When I take them, he motions me to sit down on the stool facing the drumset. I look up at him in confusion.
"Now, I want you to play any beat that comes to your mind and play it. Then, I will tell you whether or not you're good," Ashton explains.
I play the first beat that pops into my head, and it feels like the way playing always makes me feel. I feel free as I bare my heart and soul into the music. That's is how Tessa and I became friends in band class, actually. When I finish, I look up at Ashton to find him staring at me wide-eyed.
"How can you play like that and feel like you're not good enough?" Ashton asks incredulously.
"I just bare my heart and soul in everything I play," I say like it isn't a big deal. "That's how Tessa and I became friends, actually."
"Well, that was great," he comments as I walk over to him.
As I reach him, we hear a bloodcurdling scream come from the main room.
What the hell?

I know it's been a while, but I finally got it posted. I'm sorry if it sucks. The next chapter will be better I promise.

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