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"Making fun of people for what they don't have isn't cool."

"Oh right. I'll make sure to let Toothless know."

It took another week before Hiccup  is addressed by the Hersir

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It took another week before Hiccup  is addressed by the Hersir.

"Why does it upset you so that the Rider of the Deadly Nadder was doing her duty?"

Haddock jumped and his pencils scattered falling to the floor. Ivah glanced down at the drawing. Hiccup picked up the pencils.

First time in months that he was addressed in more than two words by the goddamn Hersir and this is what they want to talk about? Well he had his own questions that needed answering.

"So how long have you been able to leave the hut? Were you ever going to tell me that you could in the first place or was I just supposed to find out like I did?"

"Never explicitly did you say I wasn't allowed to leave the Hut. What do you hold against Astrid?"

Hiccup frowned at the way that Ivah didn't seem to let go of her question. He tries again. "Not only that , Astrid seemed to take advantage of the situation again by hitting you, unless you want me to believe that black eye came from you falling?"

"That was Snotlout and it was justified. Answer the question."

"Oh Snotlout. So he's good enough for his first name?"

Ivah's eyes narrowed and they slammed their hand on the desk. "Stop fucking around! What do you have against Astrid doing her job?"

"Her job?" Haddock asked softly. "What do you mean? You're not- are you referring to when she would beat you? Ivah, you were bound like a beast and she beat you! I- I can't even look at Astrid the same! She's not- she's-"

Ivah drank the glass of water watching him react. It was... different from what they were used to. "She is at war." Ivah interrupted firmly looking at the glass. "And from what I gather she has so much to lose and not a single thing that she is willing to put to risk. Especially not in the reckless manner that you have been."

Haddock's eyebrows shot to his hairline.

"You're defending her? She beat you!"

"We are at war. Something you neglect to put at importance why?" Ivah pushed. "You've witnessed me kill and maim and can accept my acts yet you're disgusted by what Astrid has done? Is this due to your past history painting an improper image of your Soldier?"

Haddock pushed himself away from his desk. "You don't understand. Astrid crossed a line like that." He stands pacing, his prosthetic leg catching Ivah's eye with a glint in the light.

"Astrid, as you call her, crossed those lines so that you didn't have to. To protect whatever pathetic morality you're trying to obtain in yourself. Did you believe she enjoyed hurting me? No." Ivah stood up and limped to stand next to him, jabbing pointed fingers into his shoulder. "You have failed your soldiers so intensely that they feel such a need to compensate for your incompetence. Be it Leif, Hersir or a fucking Chief you must always be the strongest one and allow your soldiers to know that no matter who the enemy is, you will stand on their side. No matter what the cost. Be it your pacifist morality or not."

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