The Ring.

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*Katniss's POV*
*December 25th*
As I wake up, I feel as if my hearts been stolen from my body. It's another Christmas without Prim. I dread everyday, but more so on holidays. I remember the memories I've made with Prim, and I don't want to replace them. Can there be enough room for Peeta and I's new memories now? Or am I getting rid of hers?

I roll over to face Peeta. "Morning." I say while looking at him.
"Morning, love." He says. I laugh and put my head on his chest. He strokes my head as he fiddles with my hair.
"Peeta," I say. "How am I supposed to do this?"
"What do you mean?" He asks softly.

I close my eyes to block the tears. Even mentioning her name floods my eyes with vivid dreams of her. It's been years, Katniss, I tell myself. I need to let go, and I've tried. But for some reason, I find that so very difficult. "How can I have Christmas without Prim?"
He begins to caress my arm gently and sighs. "She's always going to be with you, you're not having it without her."
"I guess so." We lay there for awhile and I've missed it being like that. Usually one of us is always awake and downstairs, so I'm glad to be up here together.
Sometimes I feel like I'm cursed. As if I can have something at the price of another. Like how I am able to be here with Peeta, but not have Prim as well.

As he gets up, he asks me what I want for breakfast and I ask for cheese buns. Of course, he agrees because he knows I struggle with my appetite. He's somewhat strict on me nowadays. He wants to constantly make sure I'm eating enough and acting alright. I appreciate it a lot because in all honesty, nobody's ever cared for me in that way. I remember some days where I gave Prim my food just so she'd have enough to make it to the next day. Those sacrifices were necessary, and now they're not. I sometimes forget how long it's been since I was providing for my family.

I throw my robe over my pajamas as I follow him downstairs. He walks into the kitchen as I step down the stairs and begins to grabs the ingredients. I stand to the side as he grabs flour, salt, sugar, and yeast. He starts to mix them all into a bowl to create the dough and I'm confused. "Why is it all powder?" I ask looking into the bowl. He laughs softly while stirring gently.
"Mixing the dry ingredients by themselves causes all of the agents to be even let dispersed."
"Peeta," I pause, "it's too early for baking words." I joke around and he rolls his eyes sarcastically.
"It's basically just to mix it evenly." He remarks like I'm the stupidest person he's met, and I laugh.
"Now that's my kind of language." He smiles at me as he mixes the wet ingredients into the dry ones. He sets the dough in the fridge to rise. I've learned a bit about cooking after watching him all these years. I can go hours of just watching him in silence. He's mesmerizing at everything he does, including painting.
We eventually go and sit down in the living room.
I grab a wrapped gift from under the tree and hand it to him. "Merry Christmas."
"Thank you." He says. I watch carefully as he unwraps it and smiles.
"I love it." He says gazing up at me from the new baking set I got him. "Let me go get yours." He stands up and reaches into his bag. I watch as he brings out a small box, one that wasn't under the tree.

He hands it to me and sits down beside me. I smile as I open it up and find a small ring. It has a pearl attached to the top.
"Will you marry me?" He asks softly. I feel my mouth drop slightly open in shock.
I don't hesitate whatsoever. I immediately respond, "yes." I begin to tear up and he laughs at me.
"Are you alright?" He asks wiping a stray tear off my cheek.
"Never better." I smile, laughing. I sit up and he slides the ring on my finger. Perfect fit. I start to stare at the ring, and the moment sinks in. This starts everything, the rest of our lives together. I never thought I would get married. Let alone getting married to someone like him. I don't know what I did to deserve him. The ring's gorgeous, and the pearl looks exactly like the one he gave me in the quell.

"Is this my pearl?" I ask, looking at the way it glistens in the sunlight peeking through the windows.
"No, I got one similar because I know you like to roll it in your fingers. You can't really do that if it's stuck on a ring. Plus, if you lose it, it will be a different one so it won't matter as much." He says looking into my eyes.
"That's very thoughtful of you." I say sarcastically.
He rolls his eyes and laughs. "You're probably going to have to call your mom now."
"Probably, not today though." I say shaking my head.
"Well maybe you should, it is Christmas after all." He gives me a look and I roll my eyes.
"I'll think about it," I pause, "has it been long enough for the dough?" I whine.
"I guess so." He mocks me. I roll my eyes and follow him into the kitchen. 
I watch as he preheats the oven and lines a baking tray with parchment paper.
"Can you hand me the cheese?" He asks. I look onto the counter and see 3 different types of cheese. My eyes go wide and I hear him laugh quietly. "The yellow one." I sigh of relief and grab the yellow block of cheese. He forms the dough into small circles and grates the cheese. He does it with quick speed, and I can barely see what he does before he's on the next step. He plops the grated cheese on top of the dough and puts them in the oven for a while.
"Okay, that was way too quick." I remark while reaching a bag of flour. He laughs and helps me clean up. He cleans the dishes while I put away the ingredients and clean off the island. I see him dry his hands off as I finish the counter. I turn around to face him and I gaze into his eyes. He grabs me by the waist lifts me onto the island. He leans into my lips and I kiss him back. I feel his hand slip up my back and he kisses my neck slowly. I run my hand through his hair and the timer on the oven begins to go off.

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