Imagine taking Eddie to Disney World

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pairing : Eddie Munson x Fem!reader

pure fluff

Even though he'll never admit it out loud, Eddie loves Disney. So when you surprised him with tickets for Disney World, he was over the moon. Just don't tell the Hellfire Club, he has a reputation to hold.

You drove for hours in his van and even though he was the one driving, he kept asking how far you were from Disney.

The moment you set foot in the park, he wanted to run everywhere.

'Eddie ! Wait for me !' 'Catch me if you can !' he says laughing like a maniac. So you run in every direction, in every shop and every attraction. At some point, you are so tired that you stop at a bench but Eddie has vanished. You begin to look for him.'Looking for me sweetheart ?' he says with a huge smile on his handsome face.You jump out of your skin. 'Where were you ?' 'Well, I saved a bit of money to buy you a little something' 'What ? You didn't have to' he hands you the gift. When you unwrap it, you discover a little plastic princess crown. He takes it and places it on your head. ' For the queen of the Hellfire Club and most importantly, of my heart' and leans for a kiss. 'Don't mind the pink glitter everywhere' he said with a wink. 'Deep down you're a big softie, Munson' you say blushing.

You go to almost all the attractions of Fantasyland, Frontierland, Adventureland and Discoveryland while eating tons of candies, holding each other's hand while singing loudly and off key some Disney songs, having the time of your life. When eating cotton candy, you hold each other's hair and Eddie puts sugar on your nose, laughing. 'You look so cute, Y/N'. Then you take him to a shop to buy him a t-shirt and a Mickey hat with his name embroidered on it. 'I'll wear it only for you but you know that it will be hidden out of sight in my room under any circumstances' 'Even our cute picture with Goofy ?' you ask, faking a pout. 'I promise that I'll pin it on my wall or even take it with me in every campaign of the club' 'You don't have to, I was just joking' you say and kiss his nose. 'Woman, you're driving this poor soul crazy' he says dramatically. 'You were already crazy when we met' Even when people keep looking at you like a couple of freaks, you don't care, it's like it's just the two of you in the middle of a fantasy kingdom, causing ruckus and being playful.

Near the end of the day, you are on The Hollywood Tower Hotel waiting line. Looking at all the decor in a glance, you are both in awe. After the pre show, you enter the boiler room. Eddie closes the space between the two of you.'So... it's all dark in here ?'he asks suggestively. 'Don't hesitate to cling on me if you're scared, sweetheart.' he adds smugly. You can't help but laugh. 'I'll consider it' you say, raising a brow. When the elevator arrives you get ready to enter, sit down on the front row and take off your crown. 'Take the hair tie and take off your hat, Eds' 'Why ?' 'Your hair will get messy after this.' He obliged and the attraction began. Eddie keeps whispering inappropriate things in your ear to make you blush and laugh. When the narrator says 'You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension, beyond the deepest, darkest corner of the imagination . . . in the Tower of Terror.' the elevator drops. Eddie screams and clings to you as if his life depended on it while you laugh.

At the end of the attraction, he looks pale but tries to regain his composure

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At the end of the attraction, he looks pale but tries to regain his composure. 'After Vecna and all the crap, you're still scared of stuff like this ?' 'What ? It was really brutal and it's not really nice to make fun of your boyfriend like that' 'I really need to buy this ride picture' 'You're merciless, real cruel' 'But you love me' you say in a sing-song tone. Once you have the picture in your hands, you can't help but laugh. ' It's definitely blackmail material.' 'Don't you dare, cruel woman.' For only answer, you just kiss his cheek. 'Hey ! You didn't promise not to show it to anyone !' You just run and he tries to catch you.

By this time, the night fell.

You watch the fireworks above the castle. You can see Eddie's eyes shining with each time the night sky erupts in thousands of colors. After everything he's been through, seeing him like this was a real gift. At the final, he grabs your hand to pull you towards him and kisses you.

' Do you know what I love about you ?' he asks. 'Hm ?' ' The fact that I don't have to act around you. I can go soft with you. You never judge me in any way... Except back in the Tower of Terror' he looks at you playfully. 'You never saw me like the local freak. Never had any prejudices on me. I've never been loved and I never loved that way. You're the best thing that ever happened in my life.' 'I love you too, Eddie.' and after another kiss, you make your way to his van to head to the hotel.

A/N: I know this attraction opened in 1994, so the chronology isn't really respected. And sorry if it's bad

also english is not my mother language

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