Welcome to the Hellfire

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This is an AU Pirate!Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

A runaway, that's what you are. A runaway that left everything behind her because of a forced marriage. You can't stand the simple idea of being married to that jerk of Lord Hargrove's son, William. Number of girls would kill just for one of his glance, but you are not like them. You know that your family needs their money, but you won't let them decide for you. How you had to fight at the ceremony to escape from his grasp.


They just finished helping you put on your nuptial gown. You fight so hard to keep your tears from falling.

'You have to be brave, darling. Think about us, about everything that we've been through and to finally find a solution that suits everyone' says your mother.

'Yes, everyone but me..'

'Y/N? don't start again with this. It's been discussed for months. Now, it's the big day. Don't ruin our chances, be the daughter I raised you to be.'

'The emotionless puppet who's supposed to obey her master and to satisfy everyone but herself ? Well, it seems like the puppet grew a heart and a brain' she's about to explode but decided to leave you.

'I'll see you at the ceremony' she says coldly

Now that you are alone, you try to think of a way to escape from this place without being noticed. You were quickly interrupted by your 'soon to be husband'.

'You look gorgeous my dear' William says, nearly drooling and his eyes full of lust.

'You are not supposed to be here. Get out' you say flatly.

'Well, well it's not a way to talk to your future husband' he smirks. He closes the space between you and grabs your waist. You try to throw him a punch but he grabs your hand.

'I promise to teach you some manners, love' he says murmuring in your ear. Enough is enough, you knee him in his secret parts and escape from his embrace. He falls to the ground.

'Little bitch !' he growls and tries to catch a piece of your dress.Your struggle causes a torn in it and makes you fall on your butt. He grabs your ankle but you kick him in the face with your other foot. He growls again in pain.

'I will end you ! Who are you to say no to me ?'

When he tries to get up, you take a lamp in your hands and shatter it on his head. He falls unconscious on the floor. It's your call to escape. You manage to open the window and jump. Thankfully it wasn't that high. Once outside, you run. You don't know where, you just run. Wherever you go on this land, you know that they'll find you. Suddenly, an idea crossed your mind. You weren't far from the beach. So you run to the beach and luckily find an abandoned tiny boat on the sand.

'Time to cut the strings little puppet' you say while pushing the tiny boat on the ocean.

End of Flashback

Here you are now, alone on the ocean. You don't even know if you are going to make it out alive but you'd rather die free than live with someone like William. It feels like days have passed but maybe it was just hours. You are tired but you can't sleep. You relive the last events in your mind again and again. But your thoughts are cut short when the waves start to grow bigger and bigger with each passing second. You try to steady the boat but it rattle way too much for you to succeed. Without a warning, it sways and makes you fall. You knock your head and lose consciousness

Eddie's POV.

It's a boring day but he tries to keep his mind busy by planning their next adventure. Will they try to find the legendary Sea Witch's treasure or find the Kraken ? His crew is more than willing when it comes to go and find lost treasures and fight creatures. But again, today is a boring day, even Jeff stopped playing music outside.

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