First meet

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Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

You came to live with your cousin and your aunt at the beginning of the summer and to help at home, you took a job at the local Family Video. In September, the days became boring. And today didn't make an exception. It had been a long and boring day at work with Robin and Steve, with even more boring and annoying customers. But thankfully, now you were finally casually chilling in your bedroom. Not for long though since Dustin should be almost home by now. You can finally listen to your music in peace and eventually read the book you wanted to begin for so long. You were laying on your bed, ready for the adventure that awaits the characters of your favorite book series when you are interrupted by screams in the yard.

' Henderson ! Come back here !' You'd recognize those voices anywhere.

Those damn bullies dared to follow him ! Dustin really has to toughen up a bit. You watched by your window and saw that there's too many of them for him to handle. Without thinking, you grabbed one of your baseball bat (not the spiked one Harrington left here the last time, even though they really deserved it) and ran out of the house to scare the hell out of them.

'Next time Henderson you better...' 'He better what ?' you ask, raising an eyebrow and the baseball bat on your shoulder as the bullies turn their back to face you. Dustin's eyes widen at your sight. 'And who's that ? Your babysitter ?' the taller one laughed. You laugh dryly and sarcastically with him. 'I'm his cousin, jackass. Now you better leave him alone and get all your filthy asses out of my property right now' you said threateningly. 'Or what ?' said the bully, making a step towards you. Oh god help us...

Eddie's POV

Henderson forgot his new Hellfire Club shirt at school, what an airhead. Now, instead of going back to his trailer to prepare his next campaign, he has to drive to Dustin's house. The drive was long but with music blaring through the radio, his mood was slightly better.

Once he arrived, he parked his van and got out of it. The first thing he heard was screams, blood curdling screams. Curious, he decided to follow them. The scene that unfolded before his very eyes was crazy : high school bullies trying to outrun a girl with a baseball bat ready to strike in hands. She shouted threats and insults at them. She apparently succeeded, they were nowhere to be seen. He was so into the scene that he didn't watch where he was going and made a terrible noise by hitting a bench. She turned on herself to face him. Her (h/c) hair all messy thanks to the wind, the baseball bat on her shoulder, her Iron Maiden shirt and the savage look on her eyes, a total badass. To say that he was in complete awe was an understatement. He never saw her around here before.

He went out of his daze when he noticed that she was now threatening him with her bat. 'Who are you ? I swear to God that if you're one of them, I'll...' 'N...No, I'm...' he said, trying to defend himself. 'No Y/N ! He's one of my friends, Eddie Munson.' said Dustin, running toward them. So her name is Y/N, what a beautiful name, suits her. She seemed to calm down a bit, but still looked wary. 'H..Hi, I'm Eddie, but you already know.' It was so unlike him to be nervous, but look at her, she's pretty and can beat the shit out of you at the very same time, can he marry her right now ? 'I came here because I have to talk to Henderson.' 'Okay. It was nice to meet you Eddie' she said, finally smiling at him and leaving them. 'Nice to meet you too.

''You never told me you had a sister, Henderson.' 'She's my cousin, actually. She came here in July.' 'So... what she's like ? I mean when she doesn't threaten people with weapons.' 'Well she's really nice, sassy and smart but I don't like when she puts her heavy metal music on loud, saying that it helps her concentrate but it's distracting me all the time. Oh, is that my shirt ? I knew I forgot something.' Dustin said, trying to grab the t-shirt. Eddie completely ignored the last sentences.Suddenly, a crazy idea came to his mind 'She seems pretty... pretty cool. Do you think she might be interested in joining us at our next campaign ? I can teach her how to play and help her to create a character' ' Actually, she played a couple times with us a few years ago and even co-wrote many of them. She was behind all the craziest plot twists. Her character is a sorcerer by the way. So I think...' Then he seemed to catch up. 'Don't tell me you're interested in my cousin.' 'Dustin ! How dare you make such an accusation at your oldest friend ? We think we know people and then they stab you in...' Eddie said, closing his eyes and clutching his heart as if he had a heart attack. 'Quit the drama, Munson. First thing first, I have only known you for 3 weeks and secondly, there is no accusation, it's evident that you are interested in her. I must admit that it's a bit weird that you feel attraction towards her after the scene you witnessed but who am I to judge anyway.' Eddie grinned at his last sentence, he couldn't help it. 'So, do you think you can convince her ? I have never met such a girl before and I don't think that my flirting skills are gonna be enough to attract her.' 'Okay, I'm pretty sure she'll accept but I can't promise anything. Now, can I have my shirt, please ?' He was so excited at the memory of his first meeting with her that he totally forgot about Dustin's shirt. 'Sure, sorry. So I'll leave and... Wait ! Can you give her this ?' He took a pen and scribbled his number on Dustin's hand. 'Are you serious ?' Dustin asked, deadpanned. 'What ? I don't have paper on me, plus people will think that a girl gave you her number.' he said with a wink. 'I already told you I have a girlfriend, she just doesn't live here and now I have an image of a girl looking just like you and I think I am scarred for life' 'Whatever you say Henderson. Now imagine Y/N and I kissing under the bleachers' he said, whispering in his ear for a better effect. Dustin nearly screamed and Eddie left to go home, laughing his ass off.


You tried to read but all your thoughts are about that Eddie. His crazy hair, his rings, his t-shirt, the way his eyes gleamed when he saw you. There was something special about him. You never had a guy looking at you that way before : a mix between admiration and fear. And you must admit that he was kind of easy on the eye. Maybe there was a way for you to see him again, but how ? By driving Dustin at school ? Or at his DnD club ? What was the name of this club again ? Dustin kept talking about it all the time.

He bursted out of nowhere in your room with a new t-shirt on. The Hellfire Club ! It's identical to Eddie's. 'Hey Y/N ! So Eddie wants to invite you to our next campaign on Thursday but you're not...' 'YES !' you almost screamed. Dustin looked a bit surprised but smiled. 'Okay, I'll tell him... wait, you can tell him yourself.' he said, holding out his hand for you to see. Eddie's number ! It was the first time that a boy gave you his number and maybe the first

time you thought of a guy that way. You took the number and once you wrote it on your notebook, you practically ran to the phone. At first it rang and after what seemed an eternity someone hung on. 'Hello ?' it was his voice. 'Hey Eddie ! It's Y/N' 'Hey ! So Dustin asked you. Do you want to come next time ?' 'Of course ! Do I have to bring anything with me ?' 'Just Henderson, your character and your charming person' he said flirtatiously. 'Okay for the first ones but I'll see what I can do for the last one.' you replied with the same tone. Dustin looked like he was about to throw up. 'Stop listening to our conversation, assbutt !' you said, throwing something in Dustin's direction. You heard Eddie laughing. 'So it's okay for Thursday. Have a nice evening Y/N' 'You too.' You hung up. You couldn't be more excited. You had to tell Robin ASAP.

Who could have thought that 3 days can be that long ? But thankfully, now you are getting ready to join Eddie and the others. You picked up Dustin, Mike and Lucas and drove to school. It was so quiet, it was almost deafening until you arrived in the Hellfire Club lair. Eddie was sitting on his throne, looking like perfection itself. All the lighting made him look like a literal dream .At the moment he saw you, he stood up and hushed everyone. 'Is it the girl you keep talking about ?' asked Gareth. Eddie threw him a warning look. 'Quiet please ! For the first time in its long story, the Hellfire Club has a very special guest.' he said while walking toward you and kissing your hand. 'Maiden Y/N made us the pleasure, the honor to join us in this campaign and I expect you to behave or I promise you a fate worse than death itself' he continued, earning some laughs from his friends. He was so dramatic that you couldn't help but smile and tried to not laugh at his demeanor. "We will.'' said the others. 'I can't promise I will. " you whispered to him. "You barely joined us and you are already tormenting me. What kind of woman are you ?" he whispered back. "Get a room !" screamed Lucas. Eddie threw him a look that quieted him.

This campaign was intense but you enjoyed it so much that you asked to join permanently. Eddie was ecstatic at the simple idea to see you often. He said that they'll make your shirt soon. You wanted to kiss him so bad. But you couldn't. What if it was just the way he is with every girl he met ? So you hugged him and left with the kids.

That night you dreamt of him, more than the other nights.

Eddie's POV

He couldn't believe that it wasn't a dream. The way she arrived in the room, the way she flirted back, just the way she looked at him. He couldn't wait until the next time he saw her. So he decided to make a special delivery when the shirt is ready.



It's been almost a week since you met him and you never stopped thinking about him ever since. Steve and Robin got tired of this topic but you didn't care at all. You called him almost every night and you talked for hours on end. Now you were back in your room daydreaming when you heard someone calling you. You went outside and found Eddie himself in the yard. "Hey ! Glad you didn't take the baseball bat with you unlike the last time." he said smiling. "Hey !" " I'm here to deliver to Maiden Y/N a special garment to ward her against any weapon' 'A garment made of Mithril ?' "And she knows The Lord of the Rings...." he said dreamily. Without thinking, he kissed you passionately. You were caught off guard at first but then returned the kiss. "That's it ! Now I need therapy" said Dustin, shielding his eyes and interrupting you. You looked at Eddie and laughed. "So, I was about to say that I am sorry but, apparently I'm so not" he said grinning. He then handed you your shirt. "Welcome to the Hellfire Club, Maiden Y/N" he said, kissing you again. "Wanna be my girlfriend and join me on a ride ?" "Yes to both" and you both left for a tiny road trip and went home when the sun was about to come up. It was the first to many random rides like this one and you expect to do it until the end of times.

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