Room of memories Part 3

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Wayne's POV

Everyday, it was the same. And today wasn't an exception. He came home exhausted after his night shift, carefully made his way to Eddie's door and knocked, then went to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast before going to bed for the rest of the day. He prepared eggs and bacon, his nephew's favorite and would place the food in order to make a smiling face with it. It was nothing but it always made Eddie's eyes shine as if he was five again. Wayne hummed one of the Metallica songs he often heard while cooking. As usual, Eddie was struggling to get out of bed. But he was sure that the bacon's smell would decide him to get up. He took the plates and put the food on them. Still no Eddie.'This kid is a real heavy sleeper' he thought, a little smile on his lips. He left the kitchen to open his bedroom door. He slipped his head by the ajared door and called him but when his name left his mouth, realization struck him hard. Eddie's not here anymore.His heart broke again. He suddenly remembered when Y/N and that Henderson boy told him about Eddie's death.Exhaustion was so heavy that it made him forget that something bad happened to his nephew and his emotions were harder to handle at those moments. So he ended up in tears at that moment. He threw the breakfast away, lit a cigarette and collapsed on the couch. He fell asleep for a few hours.

He woke up a few hours later. He stayed on the couch, doing nothing but thinking.He remembered that for a few weeks, he had weird problems with electricity. He already paid his electricity bills and even checked the circuit breaker to make sure but nothing seemed wrong. Lightbulbs flickering here and there, sometimes together, sometimes one after the others as if it followed someone's path.Even though he was more the rational kind, he tried to convince himself really hard that maybe it was Eddie. He knew it was ridiculous, but it was all he had. When it stopped after Y/N's visit, it broke him even more. He tried to console himself telling that Eddie was responsible for thoses electricity problems and maybe he found peace after his uncle's conversation with Y/N. So he tried again to remind himself of all the good memories he had with Eddie like Y/N suggerated. It helped a lot but it wasn't enough. What hurted him the most was the fact that the police still looked for him even though he was dead. 'Until we see a body, he's still wanted' those assholes dared to say. He didn't care about people being mean to him but all the hate they seemed to have for his nephew was unbearable. It wasn't normal to have to stay a whole night in a graveyard to make sure that no one degraded Eddie's grave. He still had vivid memories of his funeral, just him, Y/N, Dustin and a few of Eddie's friends. All of them above an empty coffin and people around throwing dirty looks from that Cunningham girl's grave. Y/N almost threw a fight when one approached to tell them that it was a shame that a criminal like him got to have a proper funeral and worse, in the same cemetery as his victim. He was more calm than her but scared that his patience suddenly ran thin. So he tried to avoid going outside except for work, groceries and visits to the cemetery.

That evening, he had to run some errands before going to the graveyard. He grabbed his keys and got to his car. At the moment he started the engine, he was surprised when one of Eddie's songs began. He took one a few weeks ago because he missed it somehow but almost forgot about it. The whole drive felt weird without Eddie playing the air guitar, singing all the lyrics or just talking about his next campaign but he had to get used to it. He parked his car, got out and took a cart. He could feel dirty looks burning his back but he didn't react and entered the store. Everything was fine until he saw a mope of wavy brown hair and a black jacket behind an aisle. His heart almost jumped out of his chest. For a few minutes, it was like nothing ever happened, as if Eddie was just here rummaging on whatever this shelf contained. He was about to call for him but the person turned around and it was just a random boy. It wasn't the first time that he thought of seeing Eddie from afar but the pain was always excruciating. He wanted to run away from the store and lock himself in his car but he resisted, closed his eyes to hold his tears and kept going. He didn't notice that he gripped the cart so hard that his joints turned white, to the point it hurts. But nothing could hurt more than what he saw. His grip loosened a bit and he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands. He slowly walked away, his eyes fixated on a point in front of him. He continued his shopping as best as he could, trying to avoid people around. Without thinking, he arrived in the cereal aisle and when he found the specific brand, held out his hand. He suddenly refrained himself from touching a Honeycomb box. 'Eddie's not here, he won't eat it.' he told himself. He still thought about things Eddie would like to eat, he couldn't help it. He breathed deeply and he finally headed to the household chemicals to get the ones he needed for the grave. These were the only things he still bought for Eddie from now on, even though he sometimes bought some music magazines too. He never bothered to buy flowers anymore, he knew that it would be stolen or destroyed anyway.Once he was done, he checked out and practically ran to his car. Since nothing needed to get in the fridge right away, he immediately headed to the cemetery. He was sadly used to this drive.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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