Room of memories Part 2

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It's angsty and sad, sorry (and a bit bad too 😅)

You knew it was a stupid idea to follow the noises, especially with all the things that seemed to lurk in the dark in Hawkins but you couldn't resist. Your common sense kind of disappeared every time the silhouette was near. Your hope that it was indeed Eddie might lead you to your demise but you had to cling on to this for dear life if you wanted to keep going. What you saw and heard the other night while in the trailer couldn't be just your imagination on overdrive. That bloodied piece of fabric in your pocket was very real. No, you had to follow this person until you knew if it was him or something else. If it's the latter, well... you'll improvise ? But at least you'll know. Some would say it's suicide but you were more than willing to take the risk. Either way, you'd be reunited with Eddie, whether in reality or in the beyond. You walked as carefully as you could with only the light of a pale moon. In the eerie silence of the night, every step you took sounded terribly loud, seeming to disturb the peace that reigned when no one was outside. Your heartbeat was going crazy and almost desperate, you were sure that it was loud enough for someone to hear it. As you approached, you could catch a glimpse of the individu.The silhouette was here, in the shadow of the building. They were tall and their backs were turned to you. Something in the air seemed to change, you could feel it. The closer you got, the more it was perceptible. Their aura was mysterious, like they weren't human at all. You could see shoulder length wavy hair and a kind of torn military jacket but before you could detail them any further, they slowly turned to face you. It was Eddie, you knew it ! You were so happy that you barely questioned how it was even possible.Before you could even pronounce a word, he suddenly opened his eyes. Your heart skipped a beat. His eyes seemed to glow with a pale purple shade in the dark. Something was definitely off about him. Your head and your heart were at war. Of course, you wanted to run to him,to kiss him like there was no tomorrow, to tell him all the things you didn't have the time to share. But his eyes ? What happened to him ? A flow of memories overwhelmed you completely, so hard that you almost dropped to your knees. The painful memories of his last moments, his blood everywhere, his face contorted by an unbearable pain and yet the loving gaze he gave you while saying his last words...

Despite your fierce wish to see him again, you never anticipated what you'd do if it actually happened. So here you were, about to burst into a thousand tears. 'Eddie ?' you said with a wavering voice, barely above a whisper. His expression seemed to shift to sadness. After a second of hesitation, he took a careful step towards you, so as to not scare you. At that moment, you saw him more in detail. His t-shirt was torn in various places, his skin was paler than before, his fingertips were sharper than they were supposed to be. As your eyes roamed over his form, his lips curved into a sad smile.He was about to tell you something. That's at that precise moment that you saw it. His teeth. Two of them were longer and sharper than the others. You gasped lightly, putting a hand before your mouth as you finally understood what he was now. At your gesture a hurt expression suddenly crossed his features and he stepped back quickly before spreading some kind of wings, completely misreading your expression. ' No ! Eddie, wait !' you screamed at the top of your lungs, trying to catch him before he could fly away. But he was faster than you. And before you knew it, he vanished in the darkness of the night. This time you truly bursted into tears. What an idiot ! Fate gave you another chance and you were wasting it away. You hurted him deeply, you knew it and it was the last thing you wanted. After all he's been through, he didn't deserve this reaction from you. You hoped to find him again, but how ? You didn't care whether he was human, vampire or even unicorn, you loved him no matter what. Will he even forgive you ? 'Hey Y/N !' shouted Dustin, making you jump. 'This campaign was crazy. Eddie would be so... What happened ? You okay ?' He said, getting closer to you to wrap you in his arms. You sniffed .'Yeah. It's just so sad that he didn't get to play it. It was a real masterpiece and he wasn't even there. I miss him so much, Dustin.I want just him back so damn hard', you partially lied. How to tell him that Eddie wasn't dead in the proper sense of the word and that he wasn't human anymore ? He might have seen weird things over the past years but it was too much to process.He looked at you sympathetically, visible tears in his eyes and hugged you tighter. You stayed like that for a moment, bringing again all the good moments you had with Eddie.

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