A Freak's secrets

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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader

fluff and angst

A/N: Sorry if it's really bad and a bit rushed. It's a 3 AM weird idea

For as long as you can remember, Eddie has always been your best friend. You two met at kindergarten.

You were the new girl and nobody wanted to play with you and already called you a freak.

A future bully, Jason was messing with a boy with curly brown hair and big brown eyes.Curly hair tried to defend himself but he was tinier than Jason. So you came behind him and tapped his shoulder to make him face you. 'Want something, freak ? Don't you see that I'm busy ?' 'Busy being the local bully ?' 'Just having fun with freak number two' 'First don't call him that and secondly he doesn't seem to have fun so leave him alone' 'And who do you think you are, freak ?!' 'Someone nicer than you.' and with that you punched him square in the face and you kept hitting him.Eddie watched the scene, completely shocked. Nobody ever stood up for him before (except his uncle). Of course, you were punished but it didn't matter at all. At the next recess, you found him under the slide, all by himself. You approached slowly to not scare him and smile. 'Hey ! Wanna play monsters with me ?' you asked him. He looked at you with curiosity and joy at the same time. 'Sure ! Thank you for what you did earlier.I'm Eddie by the way.' 'It was nothing, he had it coming. I'm Y/N' He was intrigued that a girl didn't want to play princess or some other girly game.So you decided to play together and you were inseparable since that day.

Your parents love him and his uncle loves you as well. Always with one another under any circumstances, celebrating your birthdays together with no other friend around. Kicking someone's ass if they dare to mess with any of you. You loved playing badass warriors instead of 'mommy and daddy' at recess. Adults found your friendship really cute while other kids mocked you all the time. As you grew, you both changed but it never separated you in any way. Even when Eddie began to like metal and D&D, your parents never had a negative opinion of him. They knew the real him. He was no longer the shy tiny boy. He became a loud and really extraverted big guy. Over time, people tried to figure the nature of your relationship out. To be fair, it was quite ambiguous but you weren't one for labels and neither was Eddie.

Yes, you hold each other's hand. Yes, you give hugs. Yes, you sometimes sleep in each other's bedroom, sometimes play at D&D and go for long drives all by yourselves but you weren't a couple in any way. Growing up, it never bothered you, but soon your feelings blossomed into something else. Some would say that it was bound to happen but you really thought that it wouldn't in your case. Ever since, you tried to contain it the best you could, not wanting to ruin your friendship. Plus, Eddie seemed to love another girl, Chrissy Cunningham. So you ended up with two secrets, one that you hid from him for so long and another that could spill at any moment if you weren't careful.

Tonight was your weekly "date" night with Eddie. It was just going to his trailer, renting a bad horror movie, eating a pizza and spending the night with him, listening to your mix tapes and falling asleep. But it was your moment and you wouldn't trade for the world. You couldn't wait for it every week. The school day was really boring but when it was over, you practically ran to your home. You knew you could take all your time because it was Friday and every Friday was Hellfire Club day. Plus, this campaign was supposed to be really intense. You helped him write it and knew every single plot twist and commas in the scenario. Knowing that, you decided to meet at your house around 9PM.

You began to prepare. You bought a new band t-shirt and a new red flannel shirt for the occasion. You knew it wasn't a date but you wanted to look nice for him. By the time you were done, it was 9PM. Eddie was supposed to pick you up so you waited for him. When half an hour passed, you were still there and had no sight of him. Eddie never was really punctual but he never was this late. Maybe his campaign took him longer than he thought ? Or maybe he was tired and headed home ? His uncle should leave soon for work so you decided to call him just in case. 'Hello, Mr Munson ? It's Y/N' 'Hello Y/N. I was just leaving for work.' 'Sorry, it will be fast. Is Eddie home ?' 'No,he's not here. Is your date night tonight ? Maybe his game took him longer and he's driving to your house at the moment. Don't worry. But if you really can't find him, call me at work right away, I'll give you the number.' he gave you the number. 'Okay. I promise I'll call you in that case. I should probably head to school to wait for him. Have a nice evening at work' 'Okay, have a nice evening too.' You hung up and tried to find your keys. Once keys in hands, you ran to your car and started it.

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