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     When did these feelings start? Since when did I truly care about him? Have these feeling always been here and I just didn't realize? Looking back, I have always liked our arguments. It made us be closer together. I've always enjoyed when we worked together. Even if it was just for small battles. We worked so well together. I want to do it more.

"You know, Chopper said that we should talk to you. It might help you wake up. I hope he's right. I'm not done arguing with you yet. We still have more fights ahead of us. That Luffy needs you for. That I need you for. The others want to come in here and talk to you too. I haven't had a good nights sleep since you've ended up in here either. I know I sound stupid, but you better not give up on them. On us." After my speech, I realize I'm holding his hand again. I smile softly at the feeling of his rough hand in mine. I hear a knock at the door and let go quickly as I see a tiny reindeer peak in.

"S-Sanji. I need to check in on him and run tests to see if he's healing or not. If you could please get out of the room so I can I would appreciate it." Chopper says while looking up at me. I get up and make my way to the door.

"He's gonna be okay right?" I ask praying that there's some hope.

"At the moment. I don't know. His body took a lot. Much more than we can. I'm gonna do my best to heal him. I promise." He looks at me with as much hope in his eyes that he can give. If anyone can save Zoro. It's Chopper. I nod and walk out of the infirmary.

Chopper's POV

"You know. We're all really worried about you. The ship has been quite. It's weird not seeing you snoring on the deck. It's weird not hearing you argue with Sanji. It's weird not hearing the clanking of weights coming from the Crows Nest. We're all hoping you wake up. But, you injuries are so bad. The worst they've ever been." Re-wrapping his wounds is difficult when it's his whole body. I sigh hoping that what I'm saying is reaching him. Going over to get ready to make some tests, I stop and turn back to him.

"I-I'm going to try everything I can Zoro. I don't like being selfish but, I'm saving you for myself. Of course for the others but for me more. You've always treated me like a person. A f-friend. Not a monster. I can't lose a patient that has treated me like that. You've always been there to save me. You've always encouraged me to be strong. I-I know I get in your way sometimes and I'm sorry about that. I will make sure you okay even if it kills me." I turn back to my table after saying my speech. Getting ready to get medicine ready and do a few tests.


Wiping the sweat off my head and tears from my eyes I slowly walk out of the infirmary with my head down.

"Chopper. How is he?" I look up to see Luffy in front of me.

"H-his health hasn't changed. Which isn't a bad thing but also isn't a good thing. His body shit down from the blood loss and the weight of injuries that his body took. If he stays like this....H-his chances o-of living are 30%." I say with tears streaming down my face. I hear gasps all around knowing their from the other crew members.

"So we might lose him for good?" I hear Luffy ask. His serious tone is laced with hurt. I can tell.

"I can and will be doing everything in my power to not let that happen. I won't let him die without a fight. I promise." I say that looking up to him. He gives a firm nod and walks into the infirmary.

"If anyone would like to speak with him now is the chance. I finished my tests and his medicine has been given for the morning. Talking to him might help just do it one at a time." I tell the crew the all give a nod and wait for Luffy to the room.

Luffy's POV

Walking into the room, there's a heavy feeling lingering. I walk over to the chair and set down facing Zoro.

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