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3rd Person POV

Sanji slowly opens his eyes and is met with a bear chest. He softly smiles and nuzzles into the chest more and lets out a soft sigh. He feels an arm that was wrapped around his waist tighten slightly and a slight groan come from the person in front of him. Realizing that they both should probably get up, he goes to turn over and move off the bed when he is grabbed qucikly and pulled back into the stone wall of a chest he was leaning on before.

"5 more minutes Cook. I don't feel like moving yet." Sanji looks at him with a slight frown that quickly turns into a sly smile. He fully turns back to the half asleep swordsman and puts his head to Zoros' neck. He slowly begins to kiss on Zoros neck moving down to his collarbone then making his way back. He leaves a small trail of where his lips were grazing the softspot of Zoros neck.

"nnn~ Fuck. Don't do this if you don't want the reprocussions of it." The way Zoros gruff sleepy voive rang throuhg Sanjis' ears left chills down the cooks spine. He hums into his neck and bites down eliciting a louder groan from the man next to him. Before Zoro could do anything, Sanji gets up and leaves towards the bathroom before Zoro can even register whats going on still stuck in the pleasure his neck was just receiving. After taking a few seconds to realize what just happened, he sees that he is by himself in the bed.

"You Dart-Brow! Don't tease me like that!" All he could hear was loud laughter come from the bathroom. "Get ready Mossy! I'm hungry and we already skipped breakfast!" Zoro groans at the demand but gets up anyways. He goes to put his boots while mumbling to himself not notcing the very entertained Cook leaning against the bathroom door dressed in a new suit with an amused look on his face. He turns when he hears a chuckle and narrows his eyes at the figure standing in front of him. "You owe me later." Sanji shakes his head. "Maybe if you're good and won't get lost we can finish where we ended when we get back." Zoro stands with his shoes completely on and walks towards Sanji. Before Sanji has enough time to react, he is pinned to the nearest wall as Zoro grabs him by the belt loops on his pants bringing Sanjis lower half towards his. His eyes widen at the lustful dominant stare glaring back at him. Feeling his breath leave him, Zoro leans over to his right ear and says in a husky whisper, "And maybe if you're good you won't get punished for leaving me high and dry." Sanji feels his body get covered in goose-bumps and his face become 4 shades darker at the swordsman vulgar statement and feels his knees weaken when a subtle kiss was left right under his ear.

Without a rebuttle, Zoro pulls away and heads towards the door. "You coming? I thought someone was hungry." Sanji gets shaken out of his thoughts at the question, walks towards and out the door silently. Zoro behind him making sure the door is locked, begins walking next to Sanji. They make it outside of the hotel and Sanji turns to see where they should start walking first. Before Sanji could ask, he turns to see Zoro wandering by himself already almost half a block away. "You idiot! Come here!" He sees Zoro go to turn the corner into what looks like an alley and he groans running towards him. He finally catches up to him still wandering around without a care in the world. "You moss-head! You're always getting lost!" Zoro grunts and rolls his eyes at him. "No I'm not! I was walking to look for food! You're the one who got lost!" Before he could walk away again, Sanji grabs his hand and pulls him in the other direction.

"I saw a place this way that was by the hotel. I thought if I found a place close, even someone like you who has a rotten brain could find his way back to our room." He hears a huff and begins dragging Zoro to the small cafe he found. They begin walking next to each other once again not letting go of each others hands until they reach the door. When they open the door, they are met with the smell of fresh food that leaves their mouths watering. They go up to the counter and Zoro inwardly sighs seeing as it is a young woman that will be taking their order. The lady smiles up to both of them. "What can I get you guys today?" He sighs knowing what's about to come next and is just waiting for it come until, "I'll take a bowl of your miso ramen and he'll have an order of your tonkotsu ramen please." Zoro turns to look at the Cook next to him in awe. He ignores what the lady is saying as he just continue to stare at Sanjis side profile as the cook is handing the women the money for food. Sanji takes the number stand as he drags Zoro, who is staring at him like he just grew two heads, to a table so they can sit down and wait for their food to be brought out to them.

As they sit down Sanji gives Zoro a questioning look. "What? Do I have something on my face or something?" All Zoro can do is shake his head still staring at Sanji. After Sanji gives him an irritated glare Zoro finally speaks up. "Y-You. I-I. Did you just interaact with a girl and not freak out?" Sanji raises his one visable eyebrow at him and them gives him a hard glare. "I don't freak out! I treat them with respect there's a difference!!" Zoro shakes his head, "Nope. That wasn't normal. Are you okay?! Are you sick?! Oh god we need to get you to Chopper we need t-" "CUT IT OUT MOSS HEAD." Sanji finally shouts. He sighs at looks at Zoro. "I haven't done that in a while. Once I realized the feelings I had, I didn't have it in me to shower women with affection anymore. I found it disrespectful towards you even if you were comatose." By the time Sanji finished his small confession he was looking down at the table with a small blush reaching ears. Zoro smirked, "Who knew I was the one that could change our perverted little chef." Sanjis head snapped up with fire in his eyes. "Just because I stopped hitting on women doesn't mean I still can't kick your ass!" Zoro laughed and was about to say a rebuttle but was interrupted by two bowls being placed in front of them.

A comfortable silence is left as the two begin eating their lunch. Once they finish, they get up grabbing each others hands and walk out the door. "If you want we can walk around for a bit, when I came here last night I saw a park somewhere near by. I'm surprised we haven't heard Luffy cause up a storm or the Marines find us here yet." Zoro hums in agreement. "Might as well take advantage of the peace and quiet we have we both know Luffy plus island usually equals trouble about a day and half in. Though I doubt he will try to get us in the middle of it." Sanji gives him a questioning glance. "I mean he knows what has happened and how I went after you. I doubt he will try to cause anything too bad to make us have to come back so soon." He sees Sanji nod out the corner of his eye.

They continue talking about random things they think of at the top of their head as they see the park get closer. They find a bench and sit down staring at the trees and other things around them. Sanji slightly tenses up when he feels Zoro put his hand around the back of the bench as he slightly touches his back. "Say Sanji? How does Robin know about everything as well?" Sanji sighs and begins to explain, "Well she was the first one to catch on to something being wrong. She and Brook both also know what happened on that damned island but, they both promised me they will not say anything to Luffy or the rest of the crew unless it absolutely needs to be said. She has always had that scary way of reading people so she read me like a book pretty easily so it didn't her too long to realize what was wrong. She was actually the one who persuaded me to say anything to you in the first place." Sanji didn't realize it when he started speaking but he just now felt a brush of a hand on his upper back by his neck rubbing softly to try to keep him from panicking from having to tell things he didn't want to think of anymore.

"Well thank god she did. Or else I couldn't do this." Sanji stares at Zoro questioningly as he rose to his feet and pulled Sanji to his as well. Zoro pulls Sanji in close enough to have their noses almost touching each other and their breath brushing against each others face. Zoro cups Sanjis face in his hands as he looks into his eyes and whispers, "I want to make it official. Will you be mine Sanji?" Sanji feels his breath catch in his throat and he gives the swordsman a small grin. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Zoro gives him a small smile back and leans in to press his lips onto now his Curly-Browed Cook.


Love yall <3

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