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I just finished cleaning up after dinner. Wiping my hands, I set the towel on the counter and walk out to the deck. I walk over to the rail and light cigarette  and blow out smoke while looking off into the night. It's Robins turn to watch Zoro tonight. Maybe I can talk her out of  it and I'll take her spot. It's kinds nice talking to him when he can't respond. He isn't as mean. Flicking the now dead cigarette off into the ocean, I start making my way towards the infirmary to talk to Robin. I walk in and see her reading a book in the chair next to Zoro. She looks up at me and smiles softly while starting to stand up I give her a questioning gaze as she begin to move to the door. "I knew it was only a matter of time you came in to kick me out. Watching him and the ship should be easy tonight since we finally docked on an island. Nami said she'll give out allowances tomorrow and she thinks the hotels here aren't super expensive so it'll be nice to stay there tomorrow night." She says while chuckling softly. I blush at her statement and go over to the chair to sit.

"It's nice talking to him when he can't respond. He isn't as mean that way." I say while laughing to myself. She gives me a slight smile and says, "By the way, I thought I told you already but I don't think I did. I also know what happened with Zoro that day. It truly was courageous what he did. I know Zoro doesn't want Luffy to know or any of the crew so I won't say anything." My eyes widen at her confession. "H-How did you....?" She chuckles and says, "Remember cook. I hear everything." She puts a hand behind her ear as I watch on pop up on the wall next to her. I nod in understanding. "Thank you for not saying anything. I do not how Luffy would react and I know getting the information from Zoro would be like pulling teeth and I know Zoro probably doesn't want Luffy thinking he's responsible for it as well." Robin nods her head and walks out the door.

I sigh to myself and look over to the bed next to me. This is gonna be a long night huh? I lean back in the chair regretting not bringing in my notebook to get prep plans ready. Maybe I could run in there and be quick. Nothing should happen right? Making my decision, I get up and quickly leave to get to the galley and grab the notebook. I briskfully open the door and make my way to the drawer that has my books in them. I open the drawer grab the things I need and head out. I get to the door of the infirmary door and was about to go in. Having one last cigarette for the night won't hrut anything. It would be easier if I could smoke in the infirmary but Chopper would probably have a cow. I lean against the wall next to the infirmary and grab out the pack in my pocket. I pull out a cigarette and and put it between my lips. Lighting it, I take a long drag and feel all of my worries float off with the smoke. I hope the hotels are good for tomorrow. It'll be nice to sleep there for at least a night. Who will watch Zoro though? We can't leave him alone for the night. I take another drag when I hear a slight noise coming from inside the infirmary. I hold my breath and bite down harshly on the cigarette tuning in my hearing to see if a nosie happens again.



I gasp as the cigarette falls from my mouth and I burst into room. Looking to the bed is something I was ready for. Zoro with a pained face panting with slight groans coming past his lips. My eyes begin to water at the thought of losing him for good this time. So I did the only thing I could think of.

"CHOPPER. CHOPPER COME QUICK. T-THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG." I scream out hoping that he woke up from me yelling. I quickly get to side of the bed and grab Zoros hand. I only left for 10 mintues tops. How could everything go wrong so fast?! I was not there to watch him. I wasn't here to see what went wrong. Getting shaken out of my thoughts by Chopper seemed to reel my head back in. "Sanji! What's going on? What happened?!" He pleadingly asked.

"I-I don't know. I walked out to get my notebook and have a cigarette. I-I was gone like 10 mintues tops. I heard a noise from inside and came rushing in and he was like this..." I explain to him. He pushes me out of the room and closes the door behind him. Right before he closes the door he tells me, "I am sorry Sanji. Until he is stable no one but me can be in here. If the rest of the crew wakes up, please tell them I'm doing everything I can."


The door closes. And locks. All I can do is stare. My eyes slowly letting tears down my face as they stare wide at the closed door infront of me. I don't know how long I was standing there but I feel a hand come in contact with my schoulder. Jumping at the contact I turn and keeping my gaze down I see the pants Robin was wearing earlier.

"What is going on? What happened in there?" She asks worry laced in her voice.

"I-It's all my fault. I-I only left the room for a second and something happened. H-He was panting and groaning in pain. It looked like he was dying all ov-over again. I-I th-thougt he was g-getting better not worse." I say respond almost silently. After I finish explaing what happened, the others were gathered around me looking for answers. Thankfully Robin jumps in for me and explains everything for me. I stay quite and walk away from the group. I lean against the still boat thanking god that we're docked for the next few days.

After what felt like hours, Chopper comes yelling out of the infirmary. What he says is something I never thought I would hear. Something that can change everything.


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