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3rd Person POV
Back on the Sunny

Nami walks to the deck seeing as everyone, except the resident swordsman and chef, are present. "So does anyone know where they went?" She looks around at everyone but squint his eyes towards Luffy who looks like he's hiding something as he is fidgting in place.


"W-What's up Nami?"

Nami walks towards him while asking, "Do you know where they are?"


"If I remember correctly, you gave Sanji his allowance to gather food and such. Maybe he went and got a hotel after the whole argument to calm down?" Robin cut in before Luffy can try to terribly lie his way out of this. "That's true. What doesn't make sense is why Zoro left though. When everything happened, Sanji took it the hardest out of all of us. Then there's the whole blow out that happened. Zoro made it perfectly clear how he felt with Sanji. Do you think he went after him?" Robin shrugged. "Hmmm somethings not adding up. Why would Sanji be so hurt about those insults and act the way he did?" Nami looks to Robin for answers. "Who knows. I mean even Zoro looked guilty after saying what he did. Maybe he went to apologize?" At the moment, it was so hard for Robin to bite her tongue. She knows it's not her business to tell so if Luffy isn't asked anymore questions they might get out of this. Just as she thinks they're in the clear, she hears Nami gasps.

"Do you think there's something going on between them?!?!?"

"EHHHHH?" Was heard from the whole crew.

"I mean think about it. Ever since Zoro was in that coma Sanji's been acting differently. Then instead of fighting with Zoro he just ignores it until it became too much and he finally lost it. What if Sanji is in love with him?"

Usopps gasps and starts coughing as he chokes on his own siliva. "There's no way Nami. They can't stand each other. I bet Zoro went to the island to blow off some steam." He feels sweat drop down his face when he sees Nami get that look in her eye. "Is that a bet?" Nami gives him a devilish grin as everyone around her starts groaning. "I bet you 100 berries that Sanji is love with Zoro." She sticks her hand to Usopp to shake.

"I bet you 100 berries that Zoro left the ship to blow off steam." They shook on the deal just as Franky says, "I'll get in on this. I bet 100 berries that Sanji and Zoro get together by the end of the month." Usopps jaw drops at what he said and calls him crazy. As they're going back and forth, Robin looks to Luffy with a small grin and speaks up.

"Well I bet that when they get back to the ship they will already be together." Luffy surprisingly catching on to what Robin is doing goes, "Actually, I agree with you Robin. Put me down for that bet as well!" Nami looks to them with surprise. "Let the betting pool begin! Chopper! Brook! You guys want in on this?"

Chopper and Brook both look at each other and shrug. "Sure why not." They all shake each others hands to seal the bet. Nami flashes a grin that makes everyone shiver. "Perfect! Let the bet begin!"

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