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------No One's Pov-------

The next day, the bluenette's body can't even move, everywhere tremble he sat up. He suddenly rubbed his back, his eyes were very dark. Like it was swallowen. His expression is also dark, hr rubbed his back again.

'I feel like I'm an old man..' He thought and yawned, he put his hand down and felt something he touched, he looked down and saw the twins were still sleeping deeply.

Kuroko irked, 'How dare they...just how dare they touch me so casually! They're perverts! Such perverts!' he thought as if he was going to explode, he tried to get out of bed but he couldn't stand up, and ended up falling on the floor. His body was poor, mostly his precious legs.

"Move.." He tried to stand up, his legs ended up trembling, very sore. Like one step he was going to fall, his body couldn't take it mostly his back.

He grabbed a blanket, to cover himself, he saw his robe get ripped apart. He sighs, he just crawls and sees a mirror that he passes by and he goes back to the mirror and sits on the floor, while the blanket is wrapped in his waist.

His eyes widened mostly his face becoming more paler and paler. He saw how many hickeys and bite marks he has. Even his thighs have hickeys and marks, his legs, his chest, mostly his neck. He touched his neck, and felt a bite mark at his nape.

'This is bad.. what if I went outside with them?..' He thought in huge panic. He stands up and forces his body to move. Walking straight up at the bed, he saw how the twins were sleeping so peacefully. And saw a lamp beside him.

'Should I give him a smack???.. No, maybe I should choke them instead.' He thought as he was going to grab Seijuro's neck.

'I'll drag you guys into a damn hell.'

Kuroko's hands stop when Seijuro rubs his eyes, Kuroko sweats a little, 'I should take a bath now, they will just kill me.' he sighs. As he walked away but his chains got pulled and he fell on the floor.

Kuroko held the blanket tightly so he could cover himself. "What the..." He looked at the chains and was being closer to the bed. He looked up and saw the twins are both awake. Seiji was facing the bed, he looked at Kuroko and smirk. Seijuro looked down at him on the floor, he also smirked at him.

Kuroko sits like an obedient dog on the floor, Kuroko sweat a little. The bluenette saw Seijuro's shirtless body, he avoided his gaze. Seijuro's mascular body was perfect, he has 8 packs of abs. Kuroko almost nosebleed at such a body. Although his expression is calm but inside of him, is getting a bit hotter.

'Calm down, calm down! It's just a body! A body!!' Kuroko thought, "W-What do you want!? Are you guys satisfied now!?" the bluenette glared at them, Seijuro ended up smirking at him, Seiji yawn and he chuckled.

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