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-------No One's Pov----

The next day.

Some guests check the dead body of a person, the doctor or nurse told about the woman's body. They already saw that she's already dead.

Kuroko rubbed his eyes, at the window, he walked towards the window. He saw one ambulance, that's why it's annoying in the middle of his sleep. Kuroko rushed outside, 'What's going on? Why is there an ambulance??' he thought.

After reaching the first floor, he ran outside the mansion, he didn't have time to change his robe. He saw the guests expressions were horrified after seeing a horrible dead body. Kuroko uses his low presence to sneak in, everything on his body just drops. A chills down his spine. His eyes became paler and paler.

The woman in a blue dress, was already dead. Her body was full of cuts with knives, one of her eyes was gone and her mouth was wide open, split into two. It cut like a big smile from her lips until it was on the edge of her ears. Her neck was stabbed multiple times. Her body was full of cuts. But there was no evidence found. Her other wrist was cut off.

It said that it was suicide, it was still suspicious but Shirogane said it was suicide because Shirogane felt like he knows something behind it and he can't let anyone know.

They even saw a cut on her wrist so she was clarifying that she killed herself. But others didn't believe such rumors. Shizu and Shirogane look closely at the woman. They knew she didn't kill herself. They lift the blanket half of it, Kuroko and the guest almost puke seeing it.

Her legs were already disabled because it was cut off from the part of her body. Kuroko didn't say such a thing, he's face became blank and sneaked out to find the twins in a full rush.

Trying to find those two, he accidentally bumped into a butler. "I'm sorry.. but have you seen.. Seiji Sama and Seijuro Sama?" He asked politely, "Oh them? They're actually cooking in the kitchen. They said they don't want any chefs right now." the butler smiled. "Maybe they're cooking for their Fiancé and you must be their Fiancé." He smiled again as he walked away.

He rushed towards his room and opened the door, he saw the twins were already sitting, eating their breakfast. "Good Morning Dear, you do know it's cold in the morning, why are you still wearing a robe?" Seijuro chuckles, Seijuro smiles, "We cook breakfast for you." he said.

Kuroko suddenly closes the door behind him and approaches the two. "Did.. you guys kill that woman?.." He asks straightforwardly, Seiji and Seijuro stop eating after that question.

"Who knows? She might've been killed herself, besides, this past few days, many people died because of suicide." Seijuro laughed about it. Kuroko gritted his teeth, "Since when did I want it like that!!? Are you two crazy!? Insane!? Killing such a person! Do you guys often treat people like animals!? That takes too far!" Kuroko yelled at them.

Seiji stood up, "Treat people like animals? She mocked you and humiliated you last night." Seiji smiled, leaning to his ear, Kuroko felt his hot breath through it. Seiji whispered, making Seijuro smirk while he was eating his own breakfast.

"So what about it? She mocks you, humiliates you. How can we stand by? A person like you is special, we can't tolerate such mocking manners towards you, when it comes to you.." Seiji lifted his hand and kissed the back of his hand in a gentle manner.

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