Cha. 2 - Saying Goodbye

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Brianna 's POV

When I was thinking about how to tell my friends that I'm leaving to Australia, I heard Kate calling for me from down the hall. "Brianna! Hey is everything okay?" She asked when she catch up to me.

"Yeah, everything good."

"You've been acting weird all day. What's bothering you?" she questioned.

"I haven't been acting weird, I'm just a bit tired," I attempted to reason with her hoping she would buy into my lie.

"You don't look tired."

"Well Kate, I've had a long day."

"I feel like you're hiding something from me," she accused me. "And I think you should tell me," she crossed her arms across her chest. Every time I had a secret I wasn't ready to tell, she would make a puppy dog expression, thinking I'd give in. She'd always practically beg me to tell her that something I wanted to keep hidden.

"Kate I'm not-" I was cut off abruptly by Chelsey.

"Hey friends!" She greeted cheerfully, as always.

"Hey Chelsey," Kate and I replied.

"Hey, guys? I've got to go. We have class," I stated simply.

"Bye." And with Kate and Chelsey's last retort, we stalked off to our next class.

In my next class, I sat beside a smart boy who always got higher grades than me. "Hey Brianna, you ready for this test?" He questioned, pulling two pencils from his book bag.

"As ready as I can be," I muttered.

"Hello class! Clear your desks except for a pencil, we'll begin testing shortly." Ms. Fury announced. After approximately forty minutes had passed, I had just finished my test like some of my classmates had. As I waited for the other students to finish, I got lost in my thoughts; the undeniable truth, the unfortunate future.

"Why would you leave us behind, Brianna ? I thought we were best friends forever!" Kate exclaimed, her face hot with anger and sadness.

"It isn't my fault, Kate! You have to understand, my dad needs this job!"

Ring! Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Class dismissed!" The sound of the dismissal bell and Ms. Fury's voice pulled me back into reality.

I grabbed my belongs heading to my locker to drop my things off. Next, I strolled into the cafeteria and found myself standing in a long line for food. After a while I finally got my food, I walked to the table Seeing my friends sitting. I took a deep breath, knowing this moment would probably be the best moment to tell Kate and Chelsey I'm moving. Also knowing that it wasn't gonna be easy but they need to know.

"Hey Kate, and Chelsey, " I painted on a weak smile before looking anywhere but at them. I took a seat across from the two.

"Brianna , what's wrong?" Chelesy asked.

"I'm moving away to Australia." I replied quietly, bluntly, tears suddenly clouding my vision. There was no way around the inconvenient truth, the undeniable reality.

"WHAT!" Was all that came out of Kate's mouth. On the contrary, Chelsey seemed genuinely happy for me.

"Oh gosh Brianna, that's amazing news!" Chelesy gushed, immediately pulling me in for a hug.

"I can not believe you!" Kate snapped. The cafeteria so suddenly got quiet. So silent that you could hear the sound of grass swaying to the musical sounds of wind outside. All homo sapiens in this large cafeteria room were now staring at us, we're obviously causing a scene.

"What happen to us being friends for life," she paused to take in a deep breathe as well to calm herself before continuing. "And after everything we been through together, do I not matter to you anymore?" Tears cascaded down her face, her ears bright red with anger, her expression showered in sadness and denial.

"Kate, I know it's hard to know I'm moving but it isn't my fault I'm moving. It wasn't my decision finalize, there's no option that allows me to stay, my dad needs the job," I confessed as a single tear slid down my face.

"I understand perfectly what my friendship means to you," she hissed, with a shake of her head, she rushed out of the cafeteria.

Most of everyone went back to what they were doing before our conflict. A few shameless eyes found their way back to Chelesy and I.

"I can't believe her, Chelesy," I burst into tears. I didn't care that my, my very own liquid sadness smudged my make up, I didn't care how people were staring at me in this moment. I feel like I just lost a friend.

Chelesy came up to me and hugged me again.

"It's going be ok. She's just upset that she won't see you again," her seemingly soothing voice calmed me down slightly.

"Thank you, Chelsey," I sniffed as I continued to cry on to her shoulders.

"Your welcome, she will come around."

Sooner or later, I stopped crying and we prepared ourselves for our next and final class. "Bye," Chelesy waved.


We parted ways and walked to our class. As soon as I walked in, I sat in one of the desks in the front. I always seemed to take better notes and understand whatever my teacher's teaching. After class was over, Sarah and I walked back home.

While walking home, all I could think about was what Kate said to me earlier. I didn't know if I was feeling sorrow for her or anger at her.

HEY GUYS!!!! I just got done with this chapter I hope you liked it. Sorry to end it there but , I decided to cut this chapter into 2 part so it wont be long plz comment and tell me what you think about the book so far

Also vote on it please!!!
Thank you to my editor and my second author Mama__Brit and Lovely_JahQui please follow them!!!

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