Cha. 1 - Moving

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"Brianna , please come downstairs," I heard my mother yell from down stairs. As I was currently studying for a test I'll have tomorrow.

I stopped and yelled back, "I'm coming in a second!" I got off my bed walked to my door headed right down stairs. My parents and my sister were waiting for me; I could see my mother and my sister with a sad look on their face while my dad seemed giddy and excited.

"Take a seat honey," he said. I took seat on our brown leather sofa, wondering what they were going to say.

My dad was the first to break the silence. "Brianna , I know you've been doing well in your classes and you have many friends here that love you very much." The smile on his face was slowly turning into a frown.

I sat silently, anticipating what his next words were. I had a bad feeling about whatever he was going to say.

"But we have to move to Australia in Sydney cause of a job opening. We're leaving in three days." he finished off.

"No dad!" I cried, jumping up from my seated position. "What about my friends and everything else? Mom, you can't let dad do this to me, I grew up in America! It is all I know!"

"Now, Brianna , I know it hurts you to leave your friends and start a new life," she paused taking a deep breath, "but your dad needs this job." She explains slowly to me, a unhappy look glued to her face.

I left the living room without a another word and ran up to my bedroom, slammed the door behind me and fell face-first onto my queen sized bed. I can't believe my parents are just expecting me to adapt to a new life! The worst part was that I leave in three days.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

I heard my phone ring but I didn't care to answer the phone or talk to the person calling for whatever reason. All I could think about was how I was going to tell my friends goodbye and hoe I leave in three day to another side of the world: a place I don't want to be. I continued crying and eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up looking at my clock, realizing that I was five minutes earlier then my alarm clock. So I decided to get up from my bed heading to the shower I started to removed my pajamas off my body leaving me exposed. I turn on the water and stepped in allowing all the warm water to fall on my body relaxing my muscles, I closed my eyes.

"I can't believe you, Brianna! You're just gonna leave your friends behind, what kind of friend are you?"

"Why are you calling me a bad friend? It wasn't my choice to leave you guys behind! My dad needs this job."

I opened my eyes snapping myself back to reality, hoping that when my friends find out I leave in three days to Australia they will understand. This wasn't my choice to choose. I stepped out of the shower to get dressed. After deciding to wear a white crop top, high waisted, ripped jeans and my white converse, I applied my makeup: black mascara and red lipstick.

I headed downstairs to see the rest of my family. My mother was cooking breakfast for Sarah and I, my dad was reading the newspaper.

"Good morning." I greeted, reaching for my breakfast.

"Good Morning, Brianna ," they replied back.

"Bria, when you and Sarah come from school, please start packing. Is that understood?" My mother said with a serious face and stern voice.

"Yes, I will." Sarah replied.

"Brianna Evelyn Wood, did you understand what I said?" my mother questioned again.

"Yes mother," I pushed out and walked away, acting as if I didn't care much.

I then grabbed my stuff and headed to the car waiting until Sarah got in so my dad could drive us to school. A loud silence filled the car until Sarah broke it by asking a question.

"What is it like in Australia?"

"I'm not sure sweetie but I bet you'll love it there and make new friends." My father answered with a warm smile.

"How do you know we'll like it there? " I butted in.

"Bria, please don't start. I know you don't like the idea of us moving and leaving your friends but, just please accp- " I cut him off before he could finish his sentence.

.*We arrived at school*

" Bye."

" Bye and don't for-" I slammed the car door angrily knowing what he going to say. I walked into the school and headed right to class avoiding my friends.

After first period had just ended I went to my next class which was science. Where me and my best friend were working on a project. "Hey, Brianna!" Kate yelled as I walked into class. I waved back, took a sit next her and helped work on the project. "How come you didn't answer your phone last night?" Kate asked me minutes after class started.

"Mmm, I fell asleep, sorry." I replied, knowing she's going to believe the little lie I told her.

"Oh. It's okay, I guess," and with that, we continued working, only speaking to each other when necessary. As the bell rang I could not stop thinking about how I should tell my friends I'm leaving them to start a new life.

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