Cha. 3 (Part 2)

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(^^^^ Bria and her family's new house ^^^^)

Driving in Australia was weird considering Australians drive on the left side of the road and not the right. My family and I would obviously need time to adjust to this new environment. As we came across the neighborhood our new house would have been in, my dad drove slowly as he searched for the address.

I look out the window seeing a couple guys standing in front of a house that I assumed was one of theirs.

Among the cluster of beautiful creatures, one stood out the most. A boy my age, maybe a year older, with amazingly beautiful blue eyes and perfect wind-swept chocolate locks, leaned against the brick exterior walls of a large house with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. I could see the sleeves of tattoos on his toned, bare arms and thought the thin, white shirt he wore with black skinny jeans and Converse. He also had a few piercings scattered on his face, that looked cute on him.

Sarah made me realize that the whole time I've been staring at them, they've been staring at me back as well; the window was down.

She turned to me and asked, "Why are those people staring at you?"

"Who's staring at you?" My father interjected, with a stern voice and serious eyes.

"No one," I answered quickly, maybe too quick.

"These guys over there. They look scary but cute in away," Sarah said pointing out my window at the boys, and I mentally face-palmed. I don't know if they were still looking at us, but I already embarrassed myself enough and I haven't even spent three hours in Australia.

"Your not helping! Gosh, shut up!"I said in a harsh tone and she quickly turned to stare out her window.

My dad looked over at the boys, and after grumbling a few words under his breath, he shook his head with a disapproving look.

"There's no way I'm letting you date one of those punk-rock bad boys," he said. "No way." Then continued searching for our Address new house.

With an eye roll, I replied, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

We arrived at our new house not even a minute later. It was almost as big as our old home in America, but the look of the house was very different. The lawn looked well kept and small trees grew on the right side of the house on the exterior wall. The stone was multicolored: shades of black, white, and brown. The house was in front of the woods which doesn't really bother me as much as it should. The house, in my opinions could pass for a mini mansion. It was very beautiful and I was so grateful that my parents could afford such a place.

Dad parked the car in the driveway and we unload our luggage from the car into the house.

This is going to be my new life.

After everything was in the house we started unpacking and picking our rooms. I took the room with walls the color of a the sky on a sunny day which also had a full bathroom in it for myself. (Along with my parents room) had a balcony that overlooked of the woods behind the house and more. I felt like I could see half of the whole city that I lived in. Sarah got the room cross from mine with pale brown walls, my parents took the master bedroom across down the hall that's was painted a classic white color. The house came furnished so we wouldn't have to worry about buying anything else at the moment.

I went down the stairs and grabbed my luggage and some boxes that contained my stuff in it. I took it up to my new room where I started decorating, unpacking, placing clothes and shoes in my closet.

I went on my iPhone and looked at the world clock to see the time in Australia, it was 6:00 PM. That's like, 14 hours ahead of American ET! Kind of weird, kind of cool but whatever. As I set up my digital clock on the small table beside my bed, I heard my mother call Sarah and I from downstairs.

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