Cha. 6 - Dinner

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I woke up and did my daily routine for school. I got my outfit and paired it with minor accessories then added my everyday makeup. When I finished, I walked into the kitchen were my mother was flipping pancakes, my favorite breakfast. My dad was reading his daily newspaper while Sarah was already about done with her breakfast.

"Good morning," I said, siting in a chair and reaching for my freshly made, delicious pancakes.

"Good morning," they greeted.

When I was done I place my plate in the dish washer.

"Brianna, I need you and Sarah to get dressed a bit formally when you come from school. We're going to the neighbors house to have dinner since they invited us over," my mother announced, putting her dirty plate in the dish washer.

"Okay." Sarah and I replied almost in sync.

"Who are the neighbors we are seeing?" I asked somewhat curious.

"We are meeting the Hemmings family!" She exclaimed happily.

Meet the Hemmings family my fucking ass, I already met one of 'em and I wonder what the rest of them will be like (note my sarcasm).

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Alright." I replied. I don't think I fully processes all my mother said, it's still early. I didn't want to worry myself with what outfit I'll be wearing or what's gonna happen. I didn't wanna think about it so early in the morning.

Walking out the kitchen minutes later, it felt like her words hit me full force.

I'm going to Luke's house.

Why does he have to live so close by? How and when did his mom and mine meet? I bet meeting his family will be awkward and weird.

I then walked back to the kitchen and asked for confirmation. "Mom, you said were dining with the Hemmings?"

"Yeah, hon. That's what I said."

"Oh gosh, mom, that's Luke family!" I said, worriedly. I didn't want to meet his family. And even though I didn't really like Luke right now, I still didn't want to make a fool out of myself in front of him and his family.

"You mean the boy you like?" She said, in a confused tone.

"Yeah." I admitted, nodding my head.

"Well, I can't cancel now. I already said we would come," she replied, lips stretched into a frown.

"Mom! Please do something!" I whined.

"I can't honey, sorry. It's too late to cancel." She said, then added change the subject . "And unless you want to be late to school, I suggest you and Sarah be on your way." She finished, kissing my forehead.

"Okay. Fine," I replied, grabbing my bag and calling Sarah.

Sarah and I said bye and started walking to school. My parents took her and I to school yesterday to make sure we got there safely, but from now on we're walking. It would probably take 10 to 15 minutes.

Minutes later, the silence that consumed us was broken by Sarah. "So.. How did your project with Calum go?" she asked.

"We finished a lot of it and I guess that's great." I said as we walk in the school building. I didn't tell her about Jessa or that other girl or Luke because it would take too long and she would want exact details.

"That's good," was all she said. I then saw Siena who greeted Sarah and I.

Sarah greeted her back and left for her classes. Siena and I talked while slowly walking to home room.

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