Cha. 3 - Australia

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Brianna's POV

I woke up to the sounds of my alarm clock noticing that it 8:43. I got out of the bed going straight to the bathroom.

I stepped into the shower and turned on the water. As the warm water hit my firm skin, thoughts swirled in my head about what Australia would be like.

I was snapped back to reality by Sarah voice. "Brianna, please hurry up," Sarah whined. She kept knocking the door.

"I'm almost done!" I finished washing up and wrapped myself in a towel. Outside the bathroom door was Sarah with an impatient look on her face.

"Took you long enough," she huffed, rolling her eyes and stepping into the bathroom.

I didn't feel like responding, so I went directly to my room and picked out some comfy clothes to wear, knowing that it was going to be a long flight. I tied my hair into a high pony tail and applying a small amount of makeup to my face. When I finished, I went to my parents room to wake them up.

"Mom, dad, it's time to wake up!" I said loudly.

"Okay, okay. We're up!" My mother exclaimed, sitting up and attempting to rub the sleep from her eyes. My father copied her actions.

"Is Sarah up?" She asked.

"Yeah, she up. Taking a shower." I replied.

"Before we leave, we're stopping to get you and Sarah's school transfer papers," she informed me.

"Okay mother," I walked off to the kitchen. As soon as I walked in the kitchen, I began the search for a bowl so I could eat cereal while everyone was about done getting ready.

"Mom said when you're done eating, bring your stuff downstairs so dad can upload it into the car," Sarah announced, walking in and getting a bowl to eat cereal as well. I hummed as a response and continued to eating my cereal.

When I was done; I went to my room and got all my luggage, taking it down stairs. As I grabbed the last few things that were needed to be taken down stairs, I looked once more around my room seeing that I was never going to see this place again.

"Brianna, are your ready?" I heard my mother yell.

"Yes mom. I'll be down in a few seconds," I replied back.

I then left the empty room without looking back. I headed down the staircase and went out the door seeing my dad upload that last few things. Mom and Sarah were in the taxi car. I got in the car and waited until my dad was all done uploading are things into the car. After he was done, he hopped in the car taking a sit in the back with me and Sarah.

As we arrived at our school, my mom got out the car and went inside the school to get our School transfer papers. With mom gone, the car was filled with silence. After a few minutes had passed, she came out of the school and back into the car. The silence was broken by my mom and dad conversing as we continue to drive to the airport. Thirty-two minutes later, we arrived at the airport. My dad unloaded all of our things from the taxi car.

After he was done each one of us grabbed our stuff. As soon as we payed for our seating and walked into security. We search for our gate that showed the flight number, scheduled departure time and the time we could board the plane. Me and my family, took a seat waiting for the plane to start boarding people. After thirty minutes, the plane started to board the people. As they were boarding people on to the plane the attendant checked our boarding pass to see our seat number and zone number listed on the pass.

Now that my family and I were boarded on to the plane we searched for our seat. I found myself sitting next to a strange guy who seemed to be gay, who had a pierced nose. I took my seat next to him seeing my dad was sitting on the other side of me. Sarah and mom sat next to each other behind me.

"Mom how long is the flight from America to Australia?" Sarah asked. I could hear there conversation, she wasn't exactly whispering.

"Well, it's about 19 hours and 26 minutes from here to there," mother answered with a warm smile.

"That's farther than I thought."

"Course it's far from here. It's on the other side of the world," I jumped in their conversation.

"I was talking to mom, not you and I know it's other side of world!" Sarah snapped.

"Well excuse you but the last time I checked, Sarah, I'm smarter than you, and I was just saying!" I said arguing back. I'm not about to let her talk to me however she wants to.

"I don't care, I didn't ask for your input ." She said angrily, her face turning a light pink color.

"Both of y'all stop this instant! Start actin' like you guys have sense!" My mother chimed in before I could snap back at Sarah again.

With that, we stopped arguing. I took my phone and plunged my headphones in so I could listen to my music during the flight. As the plane began to move up in the air, the guy with the nose piercing tapped my shoulder, getting my attention. I removed one ear bud in order to hear what he was going to say.

"Hey, I'm Jimmy," he said.

"I'm Brianna," I stated, wonder why he's talking to me.

"Do you have another pair of headphones I can borrow?"

"Nope, sorry." I replied.

He nodded, "Ok." He began doing what he was doing before conversing with me; I began falling asleep.

I was woken up by the pilot speaking on the intercom. "Hello everyone, we'll be landing in Australia in approximately thirty minutes," she announced. Since I was no longer sleepy, I stared out the window. I could tell it was daytime by the light blue sky and the blazing sun coming up from the west. I basically slept through the whole flight.

Looking at my family, I realized they were all asleep, so I decided to use the bathroom. After I came out I went back to my seat, listen to music after twenty-five minutes passed when I heard the pilot say, "We are now landing. Please put all electronics away." The flight attendants scurried down the aisles making sure everyone's electronic devices were off.

My parents and Sarah were up now. While other people were getting off the plane, my family and I grabbed our carry-on bags and got off the plane. Next, we went to get the rest of our luggage and headed outside where there was red mini van which was our car we shipped from the U.S. We loaded our bags, got in the car, and drove to our new home.

Hey guys!!! I hope you like my book so far if do please VOTE and COMMENT!!! on it. I decided to cut chapter3 into parts as well so it won't be as long . But keep reading to see what's happens. Will she love her first day in Australia?
Who will she meet??

Thank you !!! to my editor and second author if you guys aren't following them yet PLEASE Go!!!follow them now Lovely_JahQui
Mama__Brit also bBeatifulangel101

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