Cha. 7 - Calum's Break Up

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Brianna's POV

As I walked through the hallways, I noticed the people were talking about something. I didn't exactly know what they were talk about, but I could hear them laughing and saw them pointing at me. I then spotted Siena who came run up to me with a huge grin on her face.

"Have you heard? Calum broke up with Jessa!" She giggled.

"Okay," I replied, it coming out more like a question than a statement. "Why are telling me this?"

"Because she's in the bathroom crying," Siena replies.

"Why should I even care?" I asked. What does any of this have to do with me?

"I also heard that he broke up with her because he likes you." She answer, a smug look brought upon her face.

My mouth drops to the words that came out of Siena's mouth. Why me? When did he start like me? Is the rumor even true? This can't be true.

"Why does he even like me?" I asked, shocked with wide eyes.

" I don't know but I heard Jessa is out to get you " siena said a bit worried.

The bell had rung and I had go to my class. We said our goodbyes to each other and I walked my first block class and took a seat, waiting for class to start. A few minutes later our teacher came in and took attendance. He went row by row calling everyone's names.

"Brianna," he called.

"Here ."

"Luke, " he said. When he received no answer he called again, "Luke?"

I looked around and he was not to be seen. But merely seconds later the door opened and all attention went on the blonde who appeared which we all knew as Luke.

"Late again Luke," the teacher scolded. "Take a seat."

Luke walked up to me and took the seat next to me. I wondered why he took the seat next to me when there were other open seats in the class. Maybe because of what happened last night he thinks we have 'something' going on. I didn't feel like thinking about it. I turned my attention back to the teacher.

"Okay guys! Get back with your partner from yesterday; everyone will be presenting their work today!" He announced.

I took out the work from yesterday and Luke and I started working on it, doing last minute touch ups.

"So Bria, you're gonna read the slides and I'll just change the slide," Luke and nodded to himself, acting like his word was final and I should follow through. I furrowed my eyebrows and shook my head.

"No," I argued."That's not fair! We're going to do half and half. I read one slide then you read one slide, and it goes like that."

"Why can't you just read the whole thing and I'll change the slides and read one of them. " Luke tried, with an annoyed tone.

"No, Luke. We're doing half and half." I finalized with a harsh glare.

Before Luke could say something back, we were cut off by the teacher.

"Luke and Brianna, please come to present your work." He stated.

Luke and I went presented our PowerPoint presentation with only a few mistakes and couple points deducted off our final grade. Our presentation lasted two and a half minutes. The other groups presented until the bell rang.

So I got all my stuff together and headed to my next block; math class. I spotted Siena and called her over. Together, we walked to class and got there just before the late bell rang. Ashton was standing by the doorway of the classroom.

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