Enemies to lovers R.A part 2

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"Hey y/n i got A today thank you for tutor to me" i heard robin said i smiled at him and continue walking home and then i see the black van driving around and it stops infront of me "Hey girl would you like to see a magic trick" the man asked me i see his face with a hat and a white "I hate magic trick" i said coldly and walk away and then i feel a arms to my shoulders he started grabbing me to his van and spray something in my mouth and everything went black

I woke up in a basement i look around and i see a toilet and then a black phone i started to call 911 but it didn't work "it doesn't work not since i was a kid" i heard the grabber said to me i turn around and put the phone back "What do u want from me and why did u bring me here?" I asked him he giggles "Nothing i just want a girl" he said "what do u mean u want a girl?" I asked him he left and close the door i started to panicked i know my mom and dad will be worried about me i look around again but i feel tired so i came to the bed and fall sleep

I wake up in the morning and i heard the phone was ringing "stop it" "stop what?" The grabber said i quickly get up and look at him it startled me "im hungry. Give me food" i said he look at me "Well how are ur eyes?" He said "they hurt." I said and he quickly get up and "I cant feed u u need to wait" i started to get angry because im so hungry right now " if u aren't gonna feed me why did u coming down here?"
I asked him as i look at him angry he look at me like he was about to cry "i wanted to look at u" he said to me my face was like wondering "i just wanted to look at u" he said and then close the door i stand up in the middle of the floot and started yelling for help "HELP! HELP PLEASE HELP!" And i knew no one would hear me and then i walk closer to the door its unlocked and i open the door i heard the phone started ringing i close the door and grab the phone "hello?" "Dont go upstairs" "why what is he doing?" "Hes with his fucking belt" "what?" "He will beat you with his fucking belt if u go upstairs" "okay i wont go upstairs and who are u?" "I dont remember who i am" "can u give me some clue" "I delivered newspaper" "B-b-billy showalter?" "Do.not.call.me.that." "okay what do u want me to call you?" "Paperboy." "Okay paperboy." "This is your second warning dont go upstairs it hurts real bad kid your gonna cry u beg him to stop but he just keep beating u" and then he hangs up "hello?" And then i sigh and put the phone back and i walk in the door and open it and walk upstairs and then i see the grabber holding his fucking belt i started going downstairs and close the door and just sit in the bed waiting him to feed me

~~Robin pov~~

I haven't seen y/n this time not since school i started to get worried and i heard the news a girl is missing y/n L/n it says my heart dropped the girl that i like is missing i cant lose her i haven't tell her that i have feelings for her i came to my room and sit on the bed praying for y/n and started crying

Skip robin finney and gwen walking to school

"I heard y/n was missing." Finney said with a sad voice i know it was her bestfriend i felt bad "i hope shes safe" i heard gwen said and we came inside in school i see in y/n locker theres a paper it says 'y/n L/n missing' and then i heard everyone started whispering and talking about her and then i heard a boy he said "shes probably dead" he said and then he laughs my blood boil i felt angry and walk infront of him finney and gwen started to look at me and knowing what i will do "shes not fucking dead shes just missing" i said to them they laughs "dude her body is hot the grabber totally raped her and kill her" he said and then laugh i started to get really angry i swing at him and got on top of him and started punching him i see his nose started bleeding and then i stand up i see everyone looking at us and i walk in the bathroom and clean the blood on my hands and washing them "i miss you y/n.."

A/n: part 3 later

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